Reviews for Bergthron - Verborgen In Den Tiefen Der Wälder:
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This album consists of one pretty long song that is inside divived into three parts.The first part is mid tempo black metal song with wind into and atmospherical syths.Music isn`t very diverse but as soon as it gets repetitive it may slow down to an acoustic brake or choral singing of viking warriors.The main vocal is a throat-rendering rasps.They have a slightly funny quality to them and resemble some evil troll`s voice.The sound of galloping horses,frosty mountain paths and passages,lightning strikes in the backgroud,wind blowing,medieval nothern atmosphere and even a dancing melody towards the end.Music is pretty imaginative and logically flows throughout.
The second part is an instrumental folky tune on acoustics, tambourine beats and synths melody .
The last part is a very calm ambient composition reminding slightly of Mortiis.It`s so good that i usually imagine a shore of some great lake enveloped in morning mist
and echoes of a horn sounding above the water glade.
If you are into ancient myths and fairy tale check this out.Don`t expect it to be groud -breaking .It is simply good.

Review by: flowergatherer

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