Reviews for Hypocrisy - Virus:
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I'd never really been a fan of Hypocrisy until this album. I managed to get my hands on a promo copy a while ago and found that I became addicted to it pretty quickly.

If you've never listened to the band before then this album is definitely a good place to start. It's brutal and at the same time melodic (in all the right places). I think I'm gonna have to start working my way through their other albums now...

Definitely worth a listen (or several).

Review by: Loucifer

Oh my fuckin god, this album kick ass, no doubts it is a masterpiece

Review by: lobotomy

Oh baby, this is what I've been waiting for. After several pretty good releases (not as good as 'Destroys Wacken', but still better than most death metal), Hypocrisy comes back stronger than ever. A blend of the old, violent Hyopcrisy with more melody and Peter's trademark screams, this album is sure to please you. Also, I was fortunate to get the bonus live DVD with mine, still for the regular price of a cd. Pretty damn good deal, if you ask me. The stand-out tracks are 'Fearless', 'Let the Knife Do the Talking', 'Incised Before I've Ceased', and the epic 'Living to Die', but every song is good. I think they could have left out the intro song, though. It's just silly.


Review by: False Messiah

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