Reviews for Khold - Mørke Gravers Kammer:
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great album, no surprises. Khold just continues in their trusted style. the only minor might be that their is practicly no evolution to the other two albums. Not that this is a bad thing, their style rocks! I can only suggest one thing: buy

Review by: besketenherre

BORING AS HEAVEN!! nothing special nor interesting, just a boring crappy band tryin to be black metal. WHERES THE EVIL?? WHERES THE FAST??
I give it 2/10 cause the production is good...

Review by: Antikrisztus Wunderbar

It takes some time but after some listenings the darkness embraces you. The album feels kinda boring at start but (just like Phantom) it really grows. It feels like Khold have an identity of their own. Mid-tempo BM but not in a boring way such as many others. Their debut sucks but i highly recommend both Phantom and this one. More like foggy swamps at night than majestic mountains and battles.

The one thing i don`t understand i why they changed their name from Tulus to Khold, the music sounds almost exactly the same. It`s a mystery yet to be solved.

Review by: winterspell

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