Reviews for Mephistopheles - Songs of the Desolate Ones:
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I've only heard samples from this cd, but I loved what I heard. Raw, melodic, completely original. But I have one question: where in the Hell are you supposed to get it? I've searched everywhere with no luck.

9/10 (would be perfect if I could ever find it)

Review by: False Messiah

I got this cd two weeks ago after a ruthless search that lasted five years. I only had shitty 1-minute song samples from their site, but they are one of my favorite black metal bands (I'd put them up there next to Emperor and Mayhem). The vocals are just amazing, as are the musicians. Personally, I believe this album to be flawless. The search is over. Let the sonic worship begin :)

Review by: False Messiah

From the increible vocals to the astounding musicianship to the beautiful song structures, Mephistopheles has really hit it home with this release. This is my favorite release by my favorite black metal band (Emperor don't count because, deep down inside, they're everyone's favorite BM band) It's really a shame that they broke up. I would have loved to see them live some day.


Review by: False Messiah

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