Reviews for The Old Dead Tree - The Water Fields:
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tODT's last açbum (so far).
I'd consider this as their "worst" album. But don't get me wrong. It is actually Good.
I'd rate it a 7.5/10.
It's just that their other albums are excellent.

Unfortunatelly, unlike their previous albums, in this the lyrics are not the strong mark.

The first album deals with depression, life, loss... all conected themes.
the second album deals with depression; rejection; loneliness.. again, all of them are conected.
In this one, Munoz dealed with depression; sadness and... homossexuality.

It was an daring decision to talk about it.
I have to confess they were brave for talking about it in the metal scene.
But he failed to connect both themes: depression and homossexuality.
The first one is about sadness; being lost; etc. The second one includes uncover; expose a feeling; reveal him/herself, and it needs courage to do so.
Also, the order of the songs was not wise and let it a bit confusing. (Skipping the intro song) First he talks about depression; then about homossexuality; then about sadness.
Again, don't get me wrong: most of the songs are good, but the order of the songs could've been better chosen.

Anyway, let me talk about the songs:

As their previous album, it starts with the most agressive song: "Start the Fire" is excellent, the vocalist mixes the grim vocals with the clean vocals in a way that changes the song so much and we got ourselves wondering "why don't other bands do that?"

Tracks 02-03 are emotional songs but they aren't not powerful enough to move/affect the listenner.

The most remarkable part of the album is probably the one that includes tracks 04; 05; 06 and 07. It deals about homo­sexuality and the social obstacles regarding it's exposure.
I confess the first time I listenned to it I was like "seriously? songs about homossexuality? what did Munoz smoke?" but then I have overcomed my "preopinion" and thought it was actually great. Both lyrics and the songs are powerful.

Then, tracks 08-10, just like tracks 02-03, are more emotional and sad songs, but Munoz acting, this time, was not as "passional" as he did before. The songs feel a bit empty. I mean, I did not care about Kate neither the guy who once was mindly healthy and deals with depression.

There is an instrumental song ending the album and it feels dispensable...

All in all it's a good album.

Review by: netin

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