Reviews for Tiamat - Prey:
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It's the most impressive Tiamat album for me, after Wildhoney. Wildhoney includes lots of things that make change our music view. But I think, harder the music exist, senses disappears slowly. Yea, Wildhoney also includes lots of sensations, but Johan make you feel this more, in Prey. Lyrics are more clearly, easy to understand. So, you are not suffering, while you listen the album =) And you can cry, easily. Album starts with Cain, "If I go will you follow me trough the cracks and hollows and I would be your Cain if you would be here now", and comes Wings of Heaven, Love in Chains, Carry Your Croos and I'll Carry Mine, Clovenhoof.. Lyrics are perfect, but top of the album is "Divided". And album fully finishes with the bonus track, WASP cover, "Sleeping in the Fire". It's one of the best cover, i've ever heard. On in on, there's something, that's all concerned about Tiamat, that makes this album "unfinished" in my head. So I cant give 10 points.

Review by: inside_the_fall

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