Garden of Shadows
Heart of the Corona (demo)
1. Solar Pulse (Intro)
2. Heart Of The Corona
Echoes of the future have filtered through time.
There will be no light... Ablaze within the divine spectrum.
Remnants of an enchanted past have fallen.
The swollen tides of conviction engender desolation.
Crying into deaf ears as a voluminous portent is sifted swiftly into dust. Its particles woven into an ominous tapestry.
Overcast upon our blindness playing the instruments of betrayal.
Heedless of deception.
Sparks ignite kindling dormant embers giving way
to the fire of comprehension the torch shall be passed on.
Limitless are the horizons that beckon us.
Upon the path of resplendence as rainbows are
released from the prisms keeping the heart of the Corona.
Beating until the end of time.
3. Lovely Cold
Dust flies through the air.
The Weightless strings scintillating reminders of unknown struggles.
Antediluvian fields caked with crimson.
Encased in frigid air Swallowed by northern ice.
Within the glacial rocks their message still lies. Resting undisturbed,
In a permanent state of torpor.
Primodial civilizations vast in scope.
Diminished by a fatal flaw.
Competed for dominion. Their fate-unobserved.
Their warning-unheeded.
Artists and philosophers achievements,
Musicians works of art Cast aside by lust.
What they were now is lost. Consumed by time, sealed for eternity.
A frozen catacomb their sole legacy.
The haughty creed of vanglorious lords.
Locked their fate in the lovely cold.
4. Company In Solitude
I am lonely-I am not alone. We are together.
Pleasure concomitant with pain. Joy and sorrow intertwine on life's verdant tendrils. Ever so black.
Dull ached crouches on my chest. Stupidity a curse. Intelligence a burden. Innocence is bliss.
United in our solitude. Contentedly wasting our lives. I want to exchange my gift.
As balck as my life. As dark as my thread. As strong as concrete. As weak as thought.
I scream so loudly. But I cannot hear myself ...Anymore.
Pain dulls through repetition. Part played incessantly. The same night over the next exact.
oin in lonliness. We shall rise...never...eternally. We hang below the neophytes. The strand splitting (evidence only in electric pulses of memory Twisted around my life's verdant tendrils Ever so black) Dilemma we only wish for (Hopes unanswered) As we drift into yesterday Will I see tomorrow It's a million years away...
5. Apollonian Realm
In recurring dreams the delphis speaks. Carrying upon the open sea.
Priests to the temple of the king of the gods to behold prophecy.
Oh great Colossus all the world doth
shine in the splendor of the oracle's shrine.
And in the golden light of the opulent
flame that floats atop the heavenward sea.
The servants have travelled far and wide
for only to stand by the oracle's side.
Whilst Pythia bathe in glistening
Castalian springs and sip of Kassotis...
and visions appear before the stone...
I can fly-on wings of gold up to heaven-one with me.
I send my soul out to thee.
Set me free.
Master of the lyre and thy muses fair.
Thy will command attention as thy chariot soars
through the air.
6. Shards Of The Sphere
Residing amongst eternity, experiencing the gravity of time and the grave nature of limitations.
Surrounded on all sides by the eternally recurring spring of knowledge yet unable to drink.
(Sharing Tantalus' fate, lacking cognizance of Plato's object of perfection.
To charm the sphere is to control perfection.
To possess the sphere crystal glowing with white heat an elusive dream like those that sip through the fingers of the mind.
Entranceways of possibility take on a warm effulgence through shards of the sphere containing a duality of tactile sensations.
The ghosts of occurence rattle their chains and emit mocking tones but the light of our shards illuminates their form.
Translates their speech and weaves their silvery words into grails of knowledge.
Forming the fashioned cups from which we may sip and collect the droplets of wisdom that radiate outward from the tissues within.
Incandescent-The sapient spring.
To charm the sphere is to alter reality.
Entranceways of possibility extend dimensions.
Relinquish their opaque nature to our shards of the sphere.
Lyrics in plain text format