Nakkiga Dragoiaren Mendia 1. Denboraren Memoria Antzinako ohiturak Antzinako magia Sinesmen indarra Denboraren memoria Denboraz babesturik Dantzan diardute harkaitzetatik Gentilen izpirutak 2. Dragoiaren Mendia Oh Murugain, Oh Udalaitz, Eguzkiaren supean begira zaudete, Lurra nola dardarka dabilen berriro, Piztia berriro gose dago, Gose aseezina, Harrien garaietatik, Antzinako putzuetatik sortua, Lurraren semea, Suaren anaia Oh beldur iluna, Oh herensugea Oh Aramotz, Oh Anboto, Antzinako jatorrizko izakia, Gizon umeen aroen baino helduagoa, Bere gosea baretu nahi izan zuten, Sakrifizioak ilargi betean, Ezjakintasunaren tormentua, Gizakiak berriro beraien hilobiak lantzen. Oh beldurra, Oh heriotza. Kondaira baten amaiera, Herri baten sorrera, Burdin beltza Su gorrian kiskalita harrizko haragia zulatuz Antzinako bizia amaierarantz betirako abiatuz... Dragoiaren Mendia 3. Behelainoaren Barreneko Ateak Hezetasun koipetsu baten magalean, Astiro eta astun mugitzen zara, Begi itsuak esnearen kolorekoak, Zure barrenetik hire aurpegira zuzen begiratzen. Arrastaka zoiaz bidezidorretik aurrera, Sustraiak hire erraiak zulatzen dituzte, Zoru ustelduta nire ahora dastatzen duen bakarra da, Sabaia ezin ukitu eta ala ere zapaltzen zaitu. Mina, Minaren deia entzuten det, Ahotsei erantzuten diet, Banoa bai, prest, agudo, Nire maitearen magalera, Mina, Mina da nire maitea, dudan bakarra. Eskumatara, eskuinetara, behera, gorantz beti erortzen, Beti sakonago, beti beroago behe-lainoa dago nire aurrean, nire barnean. Itsu al nago? Itsu naiz? Ezin det ikusi!!! Ateak eta ateak sumatzen ditut, pareta, arbola, burdina... Zer dira? Zer naiz? Hilik? Bizirik? Minaren deialdia, ahotsen koroak. Banoa maitea, lainoen barreneko ateen zehar. 4. Morbid Romance (Celestia cover) 5. Neslepaks (Isengard cover) 6. Black Horizons (Dissection cover) From my Tower I behold the landscape below I see the river of blood in fury flow I stare into the night, yet my vision's clear From the distant villages every word I hear I am the almighty, the one with wisdom wide I am the great shadow and from daylight in my tower I hide I have seen the abyss and all that lies within I am the great shadow and I was born in sin Thy shadow swept by like an angel fading to grey Thy eyes were like weakening candles leaving the flames to die Thy pale cold face, once so full of life Now it's torn as of thorns of ice Thy towers fell to the ground I am the almighty, the one with wisdom wide I am the great shadow and from daylight in my tower I hide I have seen the abyss and all that lies within I am the great shadow and I was born in sin Shadows over a dark lost kingdom The dark clouds are neverending Yes, this is the land, the land of the black horizon Where the shores are covered with the bodies of thy followers Triumphal vengeance, dethroning the shape of thou Fade I say, wither away I am the almighty, the one with wisdom wide I am the great shadow, no daylight over my kingdom ride At the black horizons, my eyes and soul's the wind I am the great shadow and I was born in sin I am the almighty, the one with wisdom wide I am the great shadow, no daylight over my kingdom ride At the black horizons, my eyes and soul's the wind I am the great shadow Behold my land of sin!