Nargaroth Era of Threnody 1. Dawn of Epiphany 2. Whither Goest Thou Don’t cry my beldam Your lost son must go I take your song with me Your tears and your woe So I’m drawn to the world That’s neither strange nor home And crave for tomorrow And the paths that I’ll roam I wander where stars fell And sleep where they die I dream where the norns sings And where wise cranes fly In depths of the oceans My cursed name I hide That no one may find it And no woe betide I see my grandam That worried tears shed Feel her withered hands That laid on my head I still hear her old voice And the ol’russian song That she sung to my heart And I carried along I harken to far cries The tongue of despair The language of sinners All humans shall err! I howl with the archwolves In silvery night The aegis of the north star Sets our fate alight Ah, linger on now Oh’ thou art so fair Shalt purify my soul In northern lights glare Nero once burned down What had to rebuild And buried in madness The ruins of guilt We might burn our life path And leave all behind But what makes us sinners Will stay in our mind Into the blistering wilderness, the man now walks alone. A forsaken man without a country, without a hope; his soul in turmoil like the hot winds and raging sands. He is driven forward, always forward, by a god unknown, toward a land unseen… The essence of life Means “if”, as we know This wisdom may decide If we rule or bow below I’ll tear off the Cain’s mark And drink from a sylph At war with the world now At war with myself Into the molten wilderness of sin where granite sentinels stand as towers of living death to bar his way. Each night brings the black embrace of loneliness. In the mocking whisper of the wind, he hears the echoing voices of the dark. His tortured mind wondering if they call the memory of past triumphs or wail foreboding of disasters yet to come or whether the desert’s hot breath has melted his reason into madness... 3. Conjuction Underneath the Alpha Wheel Strangers that I paid to drive me through town that I conjunct with thee. Gambling on a backwoods race throughout Vegas' asphalt maze. One ways, driven upside down while we crazy raced through town. Drunk wife of the driver shout from the backseat scolding loud. Whispers in the desert winds mock me and disguise my sense. Hasten straight ahead my fate through a town that's crying desolate. Driven by a dead man's hope balance on a hang man's rope. Misguided by will-o'-the-wisp wonder why and what's the gist. Like springs first breath of air that gently dances with your hair. Like a summer solstice glare so you appeared. Like a prelude to a kiss that inhere eternal bliss, it broke the seal to my abyss where alas! I lingered. The blossoms bloomed alive and my heart stopped for a while, when the heavens light beguiled me when we met... ...underneath the Alpha Wheel where all lies became unreal and the maidens kiss conceal all the woe that cometh forth. 4. Orphans Drifting in a Desert Night 5. The Agony of a Dying Phoenix 6. Epicedium to a Broken Dream 7. Love Is a Dog from Hell 8. Era of Threnody let all i have lived Be as if it were a dream And anoint me with the dew From Lethe’s stream. New scars don’t exsist Cause they are all the same, They only to obide Is their changing name. Lethe, thy will Shalt cometh and slay The insane pikes In the sewer of my soul away. Choas and order Aren’t oppisite states They’re toys of a child That it loves and it hates. In the grave No woman you crave At Acheron’s shore To Elysium you soar. That I shall forget An old yesterdays grief And that this threnody Inhees my woe’s reliefe. O come, o death Your brother of sleep Take me away from My woe and weep. Sometimes we fall in love With a snake of lies But believe her everything when in Her womb our head rest and lays. There is nothing worse Than to live in your own trials As to tread nomadic In anguish haunted miles. (Clean) Like a falling star I wither away, Silently burn In an unobserved sky. 9. TXFO 10. My Eternal Grief, Anguish Neverending When all is said and all sins done Each promise broken all vowes undone When all I’m left with are sore regrets Drifting and sleepless in empty beds. And when that rock there becomes your throne To cry upon him weep all alone Now I’m a nomad condemned to walk alone To face my wrong decisions that I never can disown. Can’t stay in no town as they’re all named for you Just walk to where the stone fell that I feebly threw The world is now my home but here I cannot stay And like the stars we once glanced at I slowly fade away. Our fears and daemons in the shadows lurk and hide To resize upon us in sleepless hours of the night And they will remain feeding from the tears we shed O despite how often we look underneath our bed. Hell is indeen no place where we go But something deep within us that dwells and viciously grows You’re shooting at me selfish bullets that you spew But still I keep running keep on running towards you. My eternal grief, anguish neverending