Tengger Cavalry The Expedition / Cavalry in Thousands 1. Cavalry in Thousands In thousands the cavalry marched on, along with the neighing of horses Our banner covers the boundless welkin; our drum thunders across the vast earth With the guidance of mountains from afar Sense the will of great nature Urging our horses like lightning, through rain and storm we ride 2. Expedition Plain is assailed with wind; ridge is filled with snow Ancient road is clothed with dust; it is the pale ashes that give directions Steeds chase the shadow of the moon; camels shake the peak of the mountain To a distant land my heart is bound. Leading to the glory of the expedition 3. Black Steed Night, growls the heaven, screams in the clouds, in which we see no friend Coldness, freezes the earth, blows the gale, in which we hear no echo Black, gallops, crashing the mist, leading our way Steed, surges forward, piercing the haze, bringing light and warmth 4. In the Storm Blizzard, tears yurts apart; Gale, rends lands into pieces In darkness the sheep stand hopeless, with crying ponies galloping Only strong will makes us stand and strike Raising our hands and protecting our land Eternal hope is held in our soul; a fearless mind is the gift of the storm In the storm we stand; in the storm we strike 5. Khan The night of autumn shall fall, May the great rivers be frozen Sorrowful rain, Erodes the lands Broken armor and shattered bows Who will remember the derelict walls of glory 6. Hymn of the Wolf In vast deserts they howl In solitary haze they appear In torrential rain they march on In deep winter they run Grass and forests tremble beneath sharp claws Dark moon rises when the time has come Silver wings cast legends to remote fields Standing in the gale they chant for welkin 7. Dance of Horse 8. Homeland Song Tired horses sleep in the grass Exhausted sheep rest on the mountain In fatigue we stare at the distant rivers Seeing the bluish waves flow to my homeland 9. White Pony 10. Leader Wolf