Cathedral Gargoylian (ep) 1. Gargoylian Grotesque stone faces on decaying towers of woe-- Black mountains of misery, reflections of life below. Backs turned to the sun, its fire has frozen cold-- Marble gray procession on a search for that withered soul. Unholy ones--gargoylian stone race under frozen sun. Rise up from tombstone earth! Save your soul of all its worth. Life's been killing you since birth. Rise up from tombstone earth! Rotting civilization, a nation of coffin-shaped eyes-- Spectral world leaders dictate to us our own demise. Death Church, lowly Bible--enslaved by its distorted lies. Black god in a cosmic hearse, laughing as our world dies. Unholy ones--gargoylian stone race under frozen sun. Rise up from tombstone earth! Save your soul of all its worth. Life's been killing you since birth. (Oh no!) Rise up from tombstone earth! 2. Earth in the Grip of a Skeletal Hand Our world in black had a heart attack. Love turned to cancer, no turning back. Our future seems an impossible dream killed by our lust and wretched greed. This corpse of life in a coffin lies-- Into death's sky as nature dies. Our gluttonous wealth of insanity-- Secure the void--we'll never be free. Spectral domination--the soul of man has died. World of walking corpses--the pain that fills our eyes. Eternal winter destroys all dreams. Mother Nature forever screams. The final blast shall come at last, killing poisoned minds with poison gas.