Zuriaake Shen Ting | Resentment in the Ancient Courtyard 1. 厉鬼 - Evil Spirit 陰風潛深庭 月色掩森獰 孤槐枯枝咽 古井怨氣凝 厲鬼梳東窗 春床屍骨腥 飢腸惜未足 鄰家啼新嬰 ---------------- A chill breeze crawls in the courtyard deep, 'Tis in the pale moonlight her shadow hides. O withered and lone, the locust trees weep, Through an ancient well, resentments arise. The evil spirits dress by a window to the east, On a bed still warm her remains cold and torn. Behold the cravings for she longs for a feast, In the house adjoined here cries the newborn. 2. 荒坟 - Forlorn Tomb 萬丈黃沙卷龍堆 蒼茫黑雲壓千碑 荒墳久空新鬼哭 血雨腥風魂不歸 九霄怨笛灑冰河 鯤鵬折羽冥月悲 江海沉沙白骨寂 深淵望盡來生淚 -------------------- Dusty storm winds a causey thousand miles, Tombstones shattered beneath dark clouds. Desolated were the tombs, cries the wraith, A reign of terror, adieu the soul with no faith. Resentful tune echoes above frosty lake, Long gone was the roc, the moon shivers. Deep in the ocean rests my forlorn ashes. Alone the abyss sees thy afterlife gashes.