Mare Spheres like Death 1. Nidrosian Moon Sabbat Ah! How morbid the dance Of spectres and phantoms Carried by the wings of night And their shadows Macabre in the flickering light Of the torch placed upon The brow of our Idol Whose image we adore Praised be the blood That fill our sacred kapala Laden with lunar energies From the horned moon above Whose rays illuminate our path And charge the sigils Carved into our altar As keys of the Black Arts 2. Spheres like Death Drawing Landscapes unfolded before me Thy origin of darkness and evil Draped in the light of a horrid moon! Look into my eyes! A labyrinth of dying stars Thus began my plague! I bring to thee... rats and worms Pestilent soil, earthly doom! Look into my eyes! A labyrinth of dying stars Spirits of ancient evil Leaps from my burning flesh Spreading like blood in water Look into my eyes! A labyrinth of dying stars 3. Nachtmahrwalzer - Invocation of the Succubus O Mare of Night - Queen of darkness Thou who art mother of devils and daemons O Black Moon, Lilith - Empress of Gamaliel Thou who giveth birth to the darkest of dreams Come to me through the shadows of night And pour me thy wines of madness Come to me O sinister one And grant me thy Kiss of Death Komm raster under knaster mie! 4. Offerlam O, du guds lam! Med korsets skam Du bar al verdens synder Derfra al trost forsvinder; Umiskundelig Forbander jeg dig! O, du guds lam! Med korsets skam Du bar al verdens synder Dermed al trost forsvinder; og kiælighed Her findes ingen fred! O, du guds lam! Med korsets skam Du bar al verdens synder Derfra vor død begynder; Vore liv til trods Du naar ei os!