Tengger Cavalry Sunesu Cavalry 1. 万马奔腾 / Galloping Steeds 长生天下,万马齐鸣 撼天动地,气吞山河 2. 鬼骑 / Sunesu Cavalry 天地坠洪荒崩摧 万物凋生死无常 风啸云沙场苍凉 地撼岩白骨露璧 鬼泣天复回空冥 人泣地归入俗尘 死无疆魂浮千里 生有常刀锈万丈 天地 万物 风啸 地撼 鬼泣 人泣 死无 生有 天地坠 万物凋 风啸云 地撼岩 鬼泣天 人泣地 死无疆 生有常 英雄即以成尸骨 往昔峥嵘消尘埃 冥界刀戈起征招 更做鬼骑来复还 3. 金帐领主 / Golden Horde Cross the doom and death Leave behind destiny Sharpen the glory sword Be prepare to rule the dune Dustrider shakes the earth Desert killer on the prowl Blade horsers slit to earth Tears evil all apart Transcend the limitation Beyond the confusion Mind of valour never cease Commence the holy war Tengger Cavalry rules the world Cross the doom and death Lords of dune and the dust Lord of the universe 4. 铁骑谣 / Cavalry Folk 疾风马飞蹄似影 划破天气冲凌霄 穿无垠跃舞山林 旋九天轻戏七星 七星落散落大地 盈平原尽落丘山 锐刀戈势拔铁骑 卫山林更祭苍天 千百骑飞沙走石 亿万箭腾云驾雾 噬骄邪灭除傲毒 护良善更证无漏 5. 天地 萨满 / Universe-Shaman 凝气兮 聚魂兮 血洒天祭 起鼓兮 长啸兮 旋舞九天 撼天兮 动地兮 冥冥神降 颂咏兮 虔仰兮 天道自明 6. 预言 / Prophecy "Since antiquity, there has been on ancient prophecy: the wolf is the guardian of the grassland and the guardian of deity" 7. 头狼 / Leader Wolf 天苍茫 地无垠 风萧杀 雪寒残 整胄甲 利獠牙 明锐目 磨刃爪 定无心亦灭三毒 除巫鬼后斩蛟龙 敬苍天亦敬圣山 祭山原亦祭血刃 头狼,头狼 头狼,头狼 狼群中傲然屹立 立目观无常轮回 戮恶暴守苍天道 敬苍天 敬圣山 祭山原 祭血刃 8. 血刃 / Blade of Blood 血幕垂天 钢蹄碎地 赤穹为刃 长风为骑 主无垠岭 途无疆原 放马长啸 更著圣苍 9. 铁骑谣-传奇 / Cavalry Folk - The Legend “长生天下,万骑林立 舞酒喝饮,众狼齐奔” 10. 苍穹下 / Under the Welkin 苍穹阔 碧云浮 大地辽 万马奔 风拂 雪过 川流 人叹 11. 游牧者的骄傲 / The Pride of the Nomads (Ego Fall cover) “游牧者,无所无惧 游牧者,天生的勇士” 12. Nemesis (Arch Enemy cover) We walk this earth With fire on our hands Eye for an eye We are nemesis We are with you countless vicious souls Fight! - Fighting for freedom United we stand We are legion Voice of anarchy This is revolution Creating new disorder We are enemy Opponent of the system Crushing hypocrisy Slaying the philistine One for all - all for one we are strong - we are one Nemesis A malicious fever burns In our hearts in our veins Your blood my blood All blood runs the same