Austere - To Lay Like Old Ashes

Original Version Digipack Version LP Version
1. Down 1:31 1. Down 1:31 1. Down 1:31
2. To Fade With The Dusk 7:34 2. To Fade With The Dusk 7:34 2. To Fade With The Dusk 7:34
3. This Dreadful Emptiness 9:04 3. This Dreadful Emptiness 9:04 3. This Dreadful Emptiness 9:04
4. To Lay Like Old Ashes 9:31 4. To Lay Like Old Ashes 9:31 4. To Lay Like Old Ashes 9:31
5. Just For A Moment... 6:04 5. Just For A Moment... 6:04 5. Just For A Moment... 6:04
6. Coma II 10:48 6. Coma II 10:48 6. Coma II 10:48
total time 54:32 total time 54:32 total time 54:32
Cassette Version LP Rerelease Version Digibook Version
1. Down 1:31 1. Down 1:31 1. Down 1:31
2. To Fade With The Dusk 7:34 2. To Fade With The Dusk 7:34 2. To Fade With The Dusk 7:34
3. This Dreadful Emptiness 9:04 3. This Dreadful Emptiness 9:04 3. This Dreadful Emptiness 9:04
4. To Lay Like Old Ashes 9:31 4. To Lay Like Old Ashes 9:31 4. To Lay Like Old Ashes 9:31
5. Just For A Moment... 6:04 5. Just For A Moment... 6:04 5. Just For A Moment... 6:04
6. Coma II 10:48 6. Coma II 10:48 6. Coma II 10:48
total time 54:32 total time 54:32 total time 54:32

1. Down


2. To Fade With The Dusk

To walk an eternity of steps
For it all to end at one...

Laments of emptiness,
In being of barren decay.
The gritty dusk holds,
the poems of everlasting distress...

Transparent memory of the purest emptiness.
Amnesty in nothing but void...
For all that will remain...

The autumn sky, Moving wings of crimson light,
For an enternity, it never reached the soul.
Winds of solemn despair, Carrying a final breath...

I wither...


3. This Dreadful Emptiness

Oh, such a breathtaking sight,
Of purest beauty and innocence.
Uncorrupted by this cruel world,
Spirits not crushed by this cold life.
I can't look away...

You bathe in the sunlight of spring,
While I'm forever stuck in this dreary autumn.
Like a flower that will never bloom,
Forever in this dreary autumn.

You glow with the warmth of the sun,
But your rays don't reach me.
In the cold, dreary autumn,
The sun doesn't warm...

This dreadful emptiness,
The cold, cold world.
You slammend the door on me,
you locked me in the cold.

I craved your warmth,
But it was to late.
Too late you realised,
That I was in the cold.

4. To Lay Like Old Ashes

A longing sense...
To fulfil my days of empty slumber.
The remnants of life,
Like ashes, scattered across the ground.
It all seems worthless...

From the window pane,
I gaze upon the autumn tress.
Raining leaves and gnarling mists,
Like my very essence, grey...
Travelling through nothingness.

My life is fucking empty.
To exist in fragile light...


Death, with no redemption,
We're all heading towards the end.
It is with us, from the dawn,
The dawn of our miserable lives.

We all live in a delusion,
As life holds nothing but death...

5. Just For A Moment...

I've given and taken and given,
Now in my world of only your vision.
Faces of white wrapped in delicate decay,
Oh please, why won't you take me away?

Reaching toward a pale illusion,
One which will never become real.
Just suppose for a moment,
It was not just a dream...

6. Coma II


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