Love Lies Bleeding

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Love Lies Bleeding (demo) (1996)
Love Lies Bleeding (demo) 1. When Our Story Became a Legend 7:17
2. Frozen Angel 8:39
3. Love (Whorship the Rats) 0:44
4. Dying ... 4:32
5. ...For Ever 0:57
6. Nighty Winter Snow 7:24
total time29:33

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The Lady Who Didn't Want to Be (demo) (1998)
The Lady Who Didn't Want to Be (demo) 1. Tristesse de la Lune 4:31
2. Her Lamentations (Virtue's Dusk) 11:46
3. The Lady Who Didn't Want To Be 11:37
4. Love Lies Bleeding (I: Aporetic Love, II: Grave Of Desire) 6:12
5. Werther 3:21
total time37:27

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#6 in the Demo top 10 from 1998!

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#6 in the Demo top 10 from 1998!

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Behold My Vain Sacrifice (2000)
Behold My Vain Sacrifice 1. The Lady Who Didn't Want To Be 11:50
2. The Flowers Of Nevermore 12:22
3. Virtue's Dusk 11:52
4. I Drown In Existence 14:58
5. Incarnatus 15:03
total time66:05

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8.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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8.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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S.I.N. (2001)
S.I.N. 1. Ante-Persistence 1:57
2. Ante-Persistence part II 7:37
3. Frygt Og Baeven 9:13
4. Bringer Of Redemption 5:37
5. I Cum Jesus Tears 10:16
6. Beyond the Knowledge Divine 1:38
7. The Blood Of The Prophecy 7:31
total time43:49

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Ex Nihilo (2002)
Ex Nihilo 1. Acedia 8:30
2. As Chaos Ceased To Be 7:14
3. Waiting For My End 7:46
4. Surrounded By Infinite Nihilism 6:31
5. Ex 20:29
total time50:30

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Ellipse (2004)
Ellipse 1. Dead inside 4:02
2. In my fall 7:06
3. Another senseless night 7:09
4. Revocation 6:52
5. Reject / inject / loaded 13:06
6. Endolapsus 5:17
total time43:32

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Clinamen (2006)
Clinamen 1. Ph99c 10:08
2. Kairos 8:04
3. Decline of the I 10:05
4. Bleeding 11:57
5. Feu follet 5:34
total time45:48

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#9 in Zenial's top 10 from France!

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#9 in Zenial's top 10 from France!

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Demos 1997 - 1998 (2015)
Demos 1997 - 1998 1. The Lady Who Didn't Want to Be demo + Love Lies Bleeding demo cd 76:05

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#6 in the Compilation top 10 from France!

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#6 in the Compilation top 10 from France!

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> From France
> Members are:
Hydraoth - drums - was in Epic and Vorkreist
Adrastis Korgan - guitars, keyboards, programming, bass (since 1996) - now in Merrimack, Decline of the I, Eros Necropsique, Malhkebre, and Vorkreist, was in Epic
LSK (Ereshkigal) - bass (since 1999) - now in Secrets of the Moon and Vorkreist, was in Epic, Antaeus, and Hell Militia
Em-X (Emrys) - vocals (since 1999) - now in Goatlord Corp., Hell Militia, and Arkhon Infaustus, was in Epic
> Previous members:
Nikki - vocals
Jeanne - vocals - now in Eros Necropsique
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Love Lies Bleeding

Last update: 06/11/24