Order Of Orias

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Beyond the Grace of God (as Eidölon) (demo) (2006)
Beyond the Grace of God (as Eidölon) (demo) 1. Credo of the New Millenium 0:45
2. The Whited Sepulchre 4:51
3. Sins of the Father 4:52
total time10:28

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Offering (demo) (2009)
Offering (demo) 1. Untitled 1:19
2. Sins Of The Father 4:55
3. The Whited Sepulcher 4:32
4. Flesh Conspiracy 5:05
total time15:51

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Birth (2011)
Birth 1. Apotheosis 5:38
2. Cursed Revenant 4:54
3. Divinity Construct 5:18
4. Vates Nihil 8:42
total time24:32

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Inverse (2011)
Inverse 1. Presence 4:15
2. Irreverence 7:50
3. Offering 7:29
4. Ash and Sparks 6:14
5. Concealer 5:49
6. Bleak One 6:57
7. Void 11:23
total time49:57

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Split with Aosoth (2015)
Split with Aosoth 1. Appendix B 9:42Aosoth
2. Ruinous Hope 13:05Order Of Orias
total time22:47

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Ablaze (2020)
Ablaze 1. Blood to Dust 5:39
2. Gleaming Night 7:25
3. Raging Idols 5:49
4. Snares and Thorns 7:06
5. Crowned in Brass 5:26
6. Dawning Light 7:20
total time38:45

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Fear Candy 119
Fear Candy 119
Zero Tolerance Audio 45
Zero Tolerance Audio 45
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> From Australia
> Members are:
D.A - guitars (since 2007) - was in Accursed
A.S - vocals (since 2007) - also in Rift
> Previous members:
L.W - drums (2008-2013) - now in Denouncement Pyre, Funerary Pit, and Nocturnal Graves, was in Adamus Exul and Chaos Theory
G. Hamono - guitars (2007-2012) - now in Omnipresence
A. DiBiase - drums (2007-2008) - was in Accursed and Bane Of Winterstorm
R.P - bass, vocals (2007) - now in Denouncement Pyre and Funerary Pit
> Session musicians:
James Best - guitars (since 2012) - plays in Australian Burial Chamber Orchestra
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Order Of Orias

Last update: 07/01/24