
[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
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Zenial's album list
1)Folkvang - Never Say Never (2013)
2)Folkvang - Atmospheric Black (2009)
3)Folkvang / Pagan Hellfire - Firmament Eclipse (2009)
4)Folkvang / Wodensthrone - Over the Binding of the Waves (2008)
5)Folkvang - World of Wisdom (2004)
6)Interior Wrath - Volch'ja Krov' Protivostojanija
7)Folkvang - Six Stories Without Keys (2011)
8)Interior Wrath - V Vetra Gimnah
9)Folkvang - On the Wings of Destiny (2005)
Most viewed covers
1)Folkvang / Wodensthrone - Over the Binding of the Waves(993 views)
2)Folkvang / Pagan Hellfire - Firmament Eclipse(790 views)
3)Folkvang - Never Say Never(738 views)
4)Folkvang - World of Wisdom(727 views)
5)Folkvang - Atmospheric Black(715 views)
6)Folkvang - Black Wind (demo)(711 views)
7)Folkvang - Six Stories Without Keys(670 views)
8)Folkvang - On the Wings of Destiny(643 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Folkvang / Wodensthrone - Over the Binding of the Waves(677 views)
2)Folkvang - On the Wings of Destiny(340 views)
3)Folkvang - Never Say Never(334 views)
4)Folkvang - World of Wisdom(291 views)
5)Folkvang / Pagan Hellfire - Firmament Eclipse(288 views)
6)Folkvang - Atmospheric Black(286 views)

Zenial's band list
2)Interior Wrath
Most viewed band pages
1)Folkvang(162 views)
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Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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