
[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
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Zenial's album list
1)Whispering Forest - Of Shadows and Pale Light (1998)
2)Whispering Forest - Pale Light 2000 (2000)
3)Whispering Forest - Darkest Side (demo) (1997)
4)Loits - Vere Kutse Kohustab (2004)
5)Loits - Must Album (2007)
6)Loits - Ei Kahetse Midagi (demo) (2001)
7)Whispering Forest - ...So Begins The End (demo) (1998)
8)Whispering Forest - The Book Of Beasts (2001)
9)Loits - Meeste Muusika (ep) (2004)
10)Loits - You, That May Wither (digital) (2019)
11)Loits - Legion Estland (2002)
User vote album list
1)Loits - Must Album (2007) 8.63 (1 votes)
2)Whispering Forest - The Book Of Beasts (2001) 8.32 (8 votes)
3)Whispering Forest - Of Shadows and Pale Light (1998) 8.10 (8 votes)
4)Whispering Forest - ...So Begins The End (demo) (1998) 8.06 (3 votes)
5)Whispering Forest - Pale Light 2000 (2000) 7.78 (6 votes)
(scores calculated using a true Bayesian estimate)

Most user votes
1)Whispering Forest - The Book Of Beasts (2001) 8.1 (8 votes)
2)Whispering Forest - Of Shadows and Pale Light (1998) 7.6 (8 votes)
3)Whispering Forest - Pale Light 2000 (2000) 6.6 (6 votes)
4)Whispering Forest - ...So Begins The End (demo) (1998) 6.6 (3 votes)
5)Loits - Must Album (2007) 10.0 (1 votes)

Lowest user votes
1)Whispering Forest - Pale Light 2000 (2000) 7.78 (6 votes)
2)Whispering Forest - ...So Begins The End (demo) (1998) 8.06 (3 votes)
3)Whispering Forest - Of Shadows and Pale Light (1998) 8.10 (8 votes)
4)Whispering Forest - The Book Of Beasts (2001) 8.32 (8 votes)
5)Loits - Must Album (2007) 8.63 (1 votes)

Most viewed covers
1)Loits - Leegion laval 12.01.07 (video)(941 views)
2)Loits - Vere Kutse Kohustab(927 views)
3)Loits - Promo(835 views)
4)Loits - Meeste Muusika (ep)(734 views)
5)Loits - Must Album(725 views)
6)Loits - Loits 10 (video)(723 views)
7)Whispering Forest - The Book Of Beasts(708 views)
8)Loits - Legion Estland(692 views)
9)Loits - You, That May Wither (digital)(687 views)
10)Loits - Ei Kahetse Midagi (demo)(680 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Loits - Must Album(371 views)
2)Loits - Raiugem Ruunideks (ep)(338 views)
3)Loits - Meeste Muusika (ep)(321 views)
4)Loits - Legion Estland(289 views)
5)Whispering Forest - Of Shadows and Pale Light(283 views)
6)Loits - Ei Kahetse Midagi (demo)(280 views)
7)Whispering Forest - The Book Of Beasts(262 views)
8)Loits - Tõelised Kuningad (demo)(261 views)
9)Loits - Furor Aesticus: Prelude to the Vere Kutse Kohustab(259 views)
10)Loits - Vere Kutse Kohustab(80 views)

Best demos
1)Whispering Forest - Darkest Side (demo) (1997)
2)Loits - Ei Kahetse Midagi (demo) (2001)
3)Whispering Forest - ...So Begins The End (demo) (1998)
Best EPs
1)Loits - Meeste Muusika (ep) (2004)
Zenial's band list
1)Whispering Forest
User vote band list
1)Loits8.55 (1 votes)
2)Whispering Forest7.95 (25 votes)
Most viewed band pages
1)Whispering Forest(171 views)
2)Loits(132 views)
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Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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