
[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
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Zenial's album list
1)Anguish Sublime - Maelstrom Imperium (2020)
2)May Result - Gorgeous Symphonies Of Evil (2000)
3)Ophidian Coil / Septuagint - Vortex (2019)
4)The Stone - Golet (2011)
5)Anguish Sublime - Among the Raven Skies (demo) (2004)
6)The Father Of Serpents - Age Of Damnation (2017)
7)The Stone - Nekroza (2014)
8)May Result - Svetogrdje (2004)
9)Ophidian Coil - Denial | Will | Becoming
10)May Result - Tmina (2001)
11)The Stone - Tragom Hromoga Vuka (2003)
12)May Result - U Slavu Rogova Naših (2004)
13)The Stone - Kosturnice (2021)
14)Anguish Sublime - Unveiling The Origin (2014)
15)May Result - Slava Smrti (2008)
16)The Stone - Zakon Velesa (2004)
17)The Stone - Some Wounds Bleed Forever (as Stone to Flesh) (2000)
18)Anguish Sublime - Thornwinged (2015)
19)Ophidian Coil - Promo 2014 (demo)
20)The Stone - Umro (2009)
User vote album list
1)May Result - Svetogrdje (2004) 8.84 (3 votes)
2)May Result - Tmina (2001) 8.66 (2 votes)
3)The Stone - Umro (2009) 8.63 (1 votes)
4)The Stone - Magla (2006) 8.63 (1 votes)
5)May Result - Decenija Crnog Plamena (2007) 8.63 (1 votes)
6)May Result - Live Curse from the East (video) (2006) 8.63 (1 votes)
7)May Result - Black Chapters (2006) 8.63 (1 votes)
8)May Result - U Slavu Rogova Naših (2004) 8.58 (2 votes)
9)The Stone - Nekroza (2014) 8.54 (1 votes)
10)The Stone - Golet (2011) 8.54 (1 votes)
11)The Stone - Some Wounds Bleed Forever (as Stone to Flesh) (2000) 8.45 (1 votes)
12)The Stone - Slovenska Krv (2002) 8.45 (1 votes)
13)The Father Of Serpents - Age Of Damnation (2017) 8.45 (1 votes)
14)May Result - Slava Smrti (2008) 8.41 (2 votes)
15)May Result - Gorgeous Symphonies Of Evil (2000) 8.41 (2 votes)
16)The Stone - Teatar Apsurda (2017) 8.18 (1 votes)
17)The Stone - Zakon Velesa (2004) 8.18 (1 votes)
18)May Result - Ignoramus et Ignorabimus (demo) (1996) 8.16 (2 votes)
(scores calculated using a true Bayesian estimate)

Most user votes
1)May Result - Svetogrdje (2004) 10.0 (3 votes)
2)May Result - Tmina (2001) 9.5 (2 votes)
3)May Result - U Slavu Rogova Naših (2004) 9.0 (2 votes)
4)May Result - Slava Smrti (2008) 8.0 (2 votes)
5)May Result - Gorgeous Symphonies Of Evil (2000) 8.0 (2 votes)
6)May Result - Ignoramus et Ignorabimus (demo) (1996) 6.5 (2 votes)
7)The Stone - Umro (2009) 10.0 (1 votes)
8)The Stone - Magla (2006) 10.0 (1 votes)
9)May Result - Decenija Crnog Plamena (2007) 10.0 (1 votes)
10)May Result - Live Curse from the East (video) (2006) 10.0 (1 votes)

Lowest user votes
1)May Result - Ignoramus et Ignorabimus (demo) (1996) 8.16 (2 votes)
2)The Stone - Teatar Apsurda (2017) 8.18 (1 votes)
3)The Stone - Zakon Velesa (2004) 8.18 (1 votes)
4)May Result - Slava Smrti (2008) 8.41 (2 votes)
5)May Result - Gorgeous Symphonies Of Evil (2000) 8.41 (2 votes)
6)The Stone - Some Wounds Bleed Forever (as Stone to Flesh) (2000) 8.45 (1 votes)
7)The Stone - Slovenska Krv (2002) 8.45 (1 votes)
8)The Father Of Serpents - Age Of Damnation (2017) 8.45 (1 votes)
9)The Stone - Nekroza (2014) 8.54 (1 votes)
10)The Stone - Golet (2011) 8.54 (1 votes)

Most viewed covers
1)May Result / The Stone - Live Curse from the East (video)(1168 views)
2)The Stone - Slovenska Krv(875 views)
3)May Result - U Slavu Rogova Naših(740 views)
4)May Result - Tmina(699 views)
5)May Result - Ignoramus et Ignorabimus (demo)(695 views)
6)Anguish Sublime - Maelstrom Imperium(692 views)
7)The Stone - Serbian Woods (as Stone to Flesh) (demo)(685 views)
8)The Stone - Some Wounds Bleed Forever (as Stone to Flesh)(684 views)
9)The Stone - Tragom Hromoga Vuka(682 views)
10)The Stone - Golet(681 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Anguish Sublime - Maelstrom Imperium(507 views)
2)The Stone - Tragom Hromoga Vuka(375 views)
3)The Stone - Zakon Velesa(373 views)
4)The Stone - Some Wounds Bleed Forever (as Stone to Flesh)(347 views)
5)May Result - Tmina(317 views)
6)The Stone - Golet(315 views)
7)The Father Of Serpents - Age Of Damnation(311 views)
8)The Stone - Kruna praha (ep)(307 views)
9)Anguish Sublime - Unveiling The Origin(306 views)
10)The Father Of Serpents - Years Lost in Darkness(305 views)

Best compilation albums
1)The Stone - Crna Hronika (2013)
Best demos
1)Anguish Sublime - Among the Raven Skies (demo) (2004)
2)Ophidian Coil - Promo 2014 (demo)
3)Dead Joker - Cannibalistic Dissection (demo) (1991)
4)May Result - Ignoramus et Ignorabimus (demo) (1996)
Best EPs
1)The Stone - Kruna praha (ep) (2019)
2)Inferno / The Stone - Triumph - Dark - Brotherhood (ep) (2007)
Zenial's band list
1)Anguish Sublime
2)Ophidian Coil
3)The Stone
4)May Result
5)Dead Joker
6)The Father Of Serpents
User vote band list
1)May Result8.65 (16 votes)
2)The Father Of Serpents8.48 (1 votes)
3)The Stone8.37 (8 votes)
Most viewed band pages
1)The Stone(366 views)
2)Anguish Sublime(338 views)
3)The Father Of Serpents(177 views)
4)May Result(114 views)
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Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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