
[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
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Zenial's album list
1)Lunatic Gods - Turiec (2018)
2)Galadriel - The Mirror Of Ages (1999)
3)Galadriel - Oblivion (2000)
4)Aeon Winds - Night Sky Illuminations (2023)
5)Dysanchely - Nausea (2007)
6)Dysanchely - Tears (1998)
7)Igric - Svet svetlom stvorený (2021)
8)Galadriel - From Ashes & Dust (2002)
9)Aeon Winds / Midnight Odyssey - Aeon Odyssey (2013)
10)Thalarion - Tales of the Woods... Thus was Written (1998)
11)Galadriel - Empire Of Emptiness (1997)
12)Dysanchely - Songs of Sorrow (2001)
13)Dysanchely - Secrets of the Sun (2003)
14)Galadriel - Lost In The Ryhope Wood (2015)
15)Thalarion - Four Elements Mysterium (2000)
16)Thalarion - Hellium (2004)
17)Lunatic Gods - Vresovrenie (2023)
18)Igric - Tajomstvá Severných Hôr (digital) (2016)
19)Galadriel - World Under World (2004)
20)Thalarion - Towards The Obscure Slumberland (demo) (1996)
User vote album list
1)Galadriel - The Mirror Of Ages (1999) 9.04 (12 votes)
2)Galadriel - Oblivion (2000) 8.99 (7 votes)
3)Galadriel - Empire Of Emptiness (1997) 8.87 (9 votes)
4)Galadriel - World Under World (2004) 8.87 (6 votes)
5)Galadriel - Empty Mirrors of Oblivion (2005) 8.75 (3 votes)
6)Thalarion - Towards The Obscure Slumberland (demo) (1996) 8.68 (3 votes)
7)Galadriel - Renascence Of Ancient Spirit (2007) 8.63 (1 votes)
8)Thalarion - Four Elements Mysterium (2000) 8.60 (11 votes)
9)Galadriel - From Ashes & Dust (2002) 8.60 (11 votes)
10)Thalarion - Tunes Of Despondency (2002) 8.53 (5 votes)
11)Thalarion - Hellium (2004) 8.50 (2 votes)
12)Thalarion - Tales of the Woods... Thus was Written (1998) 7.60 (10 votes)
(scores calculated using a true Bayesian estimate)

Most user votes
1)Galadriel - The Mirror Of Ages (1999) 9.5 (12 votes)
2)Thalarion - Four Elements Mysterium (2000) 8.7 (11 votes)
3)Galadriel - From Ashes & Dust (2002) 8.7 (11 votes)
4)Thalarion - Tales of the Woods... Thus was Written (1998) 6.7 (10 votes)
5)Galadriel - Empire Of Emptiness (1997) 9.3 (9 votes)
6)Galadriel - Oblivion (2000) 9.7 (7 votes)
7)Galadriel - World Under World (2004) 9.5 (6 votes)
8)Thalarion - Tunes Of Despondency (2002) 8.6 (5 votes)
9)Galadriel - Empty Mirrors of Oblivion (2005) 9.6 (3 votes)
10)Thalarion - Towards The Obscure Slumberland (demo) (1996) 9.3 (3 votes)

Lowest user votes
1)Thalarion - Tales of the Woods... Thus was Written (1998) 7.60 (10 votes)
2)Thalarion - Hellium (2004) 8.50 (2 votes)
3)Thalarion - Tunes Of Despondency (2002) 8.53 (5 votes)
4)Thalarion - Four Elements Mysterium (2000) 8.60 (11 votes)
5)Galadriel - From Ashes & Dust (2002) 8.60 (11 votes)
6)Galadriel - Renascence Of Ancient Spirit (2007) 8.63 (1 votes)
7)Thalarion - Towards The Obscure Slumberland (demo) (1996) 8.68 (3 votes)
8)Galadriel - Empty Mirrors of Oblivion (2005) 8.75 (3 votes)
9)Galadriel - World Under World (2004) 8.87 (6 votes)
10)Galadriel - Empire Of Emptiness (1997) 8.87 (9 votes)

Most viewed covers
1)Lunatic Gods - Turiec(1043 views)
2)Lunatic Gods - Mythus(956 views)
3)Lunatic Gods - Slnovraty (ep)(917 views)
4)Aeon Winds / Midnight Odyssey - Aeon Odyssey(906 views)
5)Galadriel - Empire Of Emptiness(846 views)
6)Aeon Winds / Troll - Split(798 views)
7)Lunatic Gods - Split with Dehydrated (as Bestialit)(747 views)
8)Galadriel - The 7th Queen Enthroned(741 views)
9)Galadriel - From Ashes & Dust(737 views)
10)Dysanchely - Eternal Sleep (demo)(737 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Galadriel - World Under World(420 views)
2)Lunatic Gods - The Wilderness(377 views)
3)Thalarion - Towards The Obscure Slumberland (demo)(366 views)
4)Galadriel - Oblivion(336 views)
5)Galadriel - Empire Of Emptiness(335 views)
6)Galadriel - Renascence Of Ancient Spirit(330 views)
7)Galadriel - The Mirror Of Ages(322 views)
8)Dysanchely - Secrets of the Sun(318 views)
9)Lunatic Gods - Sitting by the Fire(316 views)
10)Galadriel - The 7th Queen Enthroned(316 views)

Best compilation albums
1)Karpathia - Spomienky Hôr Karpatských (digital) (2021)
Best demos
1)Thalarion - Towards The Obscure Slumberland (demo) (1996)
2)Igric - Krvi Čin (demo) (2004)
3)Igric - Nárek dávnych hviezd (demo) (2007)
4)Igric - Pri zrode Dažboga (demo) (2007)
5)Aeon Winds - Aeon (demo) (2010)
6)Dysanchely - Eternal Sleep (demo) (1996)
Zenial's band list
4)Aeon Winds
6)Lunatic Gods
User vote band list
1)Galadriel9.02 (49 votes)
2)Thalarion8.27 (31 votes)
Most viewed band pages
1)Igric(561 views)
2)Galadriel(224 views)
3)Dysanchely(160 views)
4)Aeon Winds(155 views)
5)Thalarion(109 views)
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Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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