
[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
[ Best live albums ] [ Best non-metal albums ] [ Best demos ] [ Best EPs ] [ Zenial's band list ] [ User vote band list ] [ Most viewed band pages ]
Zenial's album list
1)Sadness - Ames de Marbre (1993)
2)Sadness - Danteferno (1995)
3)Messiah - Rotten Perish (1992)
4)Messiah - Hymn to Abramelin (1986)
5)Alastis - Unity (2001)
6)Messiah - The Choir of Horrors and Rotten Perish Era Live (2018)
7)Alastis - The Other Side (1997)
8)Lacrimosa - Echos (2003)
9)Messiah - Extreme Cold Weather (1987)
10)Sadness - Evangelion (1997)
11)Chiva - Oracle Morte (1996)
12)Drudkh / Paysage d'Hiver - Split (2017)
13)Lacrimosa - Nachts (2023)
14)Lacrimosa - Lichtjahre (2007)
15)Lacrimosa - Live In Mexico City (2014)
16)Alastis - ...And Death Smiled (1995)
17)Borgne - Royaume Des Ombres (2012)
18)Lacrimosa - Lichtgestalt (2005)
19)Messiah - Reanimation 2003 at Abart (2010)
20)Borgne - Temps Morts (2021)
User vote album list
1)Lacrimosa - Live (1998) 9.10 (32 votes)
2)Messiah - Choir of Horrors (1991) 9.05 (39 votes)
3)Lacrimosa - Elodia (1999) 9.03 (85 votes)
4)Messiah - Powertrash / The Infernal Thrashing (2005) 9.03 (15 votes)
5)Lacrimosa - Vintage Classix (2002) 9.00 (5 votes)
6)Samael - Ceremony of Opposites (1994) 8.96 (117 votes)
7)Lacrimosa - Inferno (1995) 8.92 (54 votes)
8)Sadness - Ames de Marbre (1993) 8.92 (15 votes)
9)Messiah - 20 Years of Infernal Thrashing Madness (video) (2004) 8.92 (4 votes)
10)Lacrimosa - Stille (1997) 8.91 (51 votes)
11)Darkspace - Darkspace III (2008) 8.87 (9 votes)
12)Sadness - Danteferno (1995) 8.87 (7 votes)
13)Samael - Passage (1996) 8.86 (113 votes)
14)Messiah - Powertrash (demo) (1985) 8.84 (3 votes)
15)Messiah - The Infernal Thrashing (demo) (1985) 8.84 (3 votes)
16)Lacrimosa - Echos (2003) 8.83 (50 votes)
17)Coroner - Death Cult (1986) 8.78 (13 votes)
18)Samael - Worship Him (1991) 8.75 (61 votes)
19)Samael - Live March 1993 (1993) 8.75 (2 votes)
20)Alastis - Revenge (1998) 8.71 (24 votes)
21)Messiah - Extreme Cold Weather / Hymn to Abramelin (1990) 8.70 (22 votes)
22)Samael - Eternal (1999) 8.68 (100 votes)
23)Samael - Rebellion (1995) 8.66 (43 votes)
24)Lacrimosa - Satura (1993) 8.66 (41 votes)
25)Sadness - Evangelion (1997) 8.66 (5 votes)
(scores calculated using a true Bayesian estimate)

Most user votes
1)Samael - Ceremony of Opposites (1994) 9.0 (117 votes)
2)Samael - Passage (1996) 8.9 (113 votes)
3)Samael - Eternal (1999) 8.7 (100 votes)
4)Lacrimosa - Elodia (1999) 9.1 (85 votes)
5)Samael - Worship Him (1991) 8.8 (61 votes)
6)Samael - Blood Ritual (1992) 8.6 (56 votes)
7)Lacrimosa - Inferno (1995) 9.0 (54 votes)
8)Lacrimosa - Stille (1997) 9.0 (51 votes)
9)Lacrimosa - Echos (2003) 8.9 (50 votes)
10)Lacrimosa - Fassade (2001) 8.4 (50 votes)

Lowest user votes
1)Messiah - Underground (1994) 6.40 (15 votes)
2)Coroner - Purple Haze (1989) 6.45 (10 votes)
3)Samael - Telepath (2004) 6.65 (10 votes)
4)Messiah - The Ballad of Jesus (1994) 6.83 (3 votes)
5)Chiva - Oracle Morte (1996) 7.68 (12 votes)
6)Samael - On Earth (2005) 7.69 (3 votes)
7)Messiah - Extreme Hymns and Ballads of a Rotten Psycho Underground Horror Cult (digital) (2012) 7.81 (1 votes)
8)Lacrimosa - Lichtgestalten EP (2005) 7.87 (8 votes)
9)Lacrimosa - I Lost My Star (2009) 7.90 (1 votes)
10)Lacrimosa - Sellador (2010) 7.90 (1 votes)

Most viewed covers
1)Sadness - Evangelion(1248 views)
2)Borgne - II(1189 views)
3)Borgne - 3.5(1126 views)
4)Sadness - Y (demo)(1119 views)
5)Samael / Tiamat - Live March 1993(1081 views)
6)Messiah - Psychomorphia(1069 views)
7)Samael - Worship Him - Blood Ritual - Ceremony of Opposites(1065 views)
8)Messiah - Extreme Cold Weather / Hymn to Abramelin(1060 views)
9)Borgne - III(982 views)
10)Messiah - Rotten Perish(961 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Borgne - Règne des Morts(499 views)
2)Borgne - Royaume Des Ombres(477 views)
3)Borgne - Entraves de l'Ame(433 views)
4)Samael - Blood Ritual(404 views)
5)Borgne - Y(390 views)
6)Samael - Passage(384 views)
7)Alastis - The Other Side(373 views)
8)Samael - Worship Him(370 views)
9)Alastis - ...And Death Smiled(369 views)
10)Samael - Ceremony of Opposites(362 views)

Best compilation albums
1)Messiah - Extreme Hymns and Ballads of a Rotten Psycho Underground Horror Cult (digital) (2012)
2)Borgne - Return To The Past (2015)
3)Eluveitie - Slania / Evocation I - The Arcane Metal Hammer Edition (2009)
4)Messiah - The Mighty Chaos Has Returned (The Roots of Psychomorphia) (2018)
Best live albums
1)Messiah - The Choir of Horrors and Rotten Perish Era Live (2018)
2)Lacrimosa - Nachts (2023)
3)Lacrimosa - Lichtjahre (2007)
4)Lacrimosa - Live In Mexico City (2014)
5)Messiah - Reanimation 2003 at Abart (2010)
6)Eluveitie - Live at Masters of Rock (2019)
7)Eluveitie - Live On Tour (2012)
8)Eluveitie - Live @ Metalcamp (2008)
9)Lacrimosa - Live 2015 (2020)
10)Messiah - Space Invaders (2018)
Best non-metal
1)Lacrimosa - Echos (2003)
2)Lacrimosa - Nachts (2023)
3)Lacrimosa - Lichtjahre (2007)
4)Lacrimosa - Live In Mexico City (2014)
5)Lacrimosa - Lichtgestalt (2005)
6)Lacrimosa - Stille (1997)
7)Yello - Stella (1985)
8)Lacrimosa - Hoffnung (2015)
9)Lacrimosa - Elodia (1999)
10)Lacrimosa - Revolution (2012)
Best demos
1)Sadness - Eodipus (demo) (1992)
2)Messiah - The Infernal Thrashing (demo) (1985)
3)Sadness - Y (demo) (1991)
4)Paysage d'Hiver - Winterkälte (demo)
5)Messiah - Powertrash (demo) (1985)
6)Alastis - Black Wedding (demo) (1989)
7)Eluveitie - Vên (demo) (2003)
8)Paysage d'Hiver - Paysage d'Hiver (demo)
9)Borgne - I (demo) (1999)
10)Samael - Macabre Operetta (demo) (1989)
Best EPs
1)Samael - Medieval Prophecy (ep) (1988)
Zenial's band list
5)Cân Bardd
7)Blood Runs Deep
8)Babylon Sad
User vote band list
1)Sadness8.87 (29 votes)
2)Lacrimosa8.69 (606 votes)
3)Samael8.59 (695 votes)
4)Darkspace8.54 (19 votes)
5)Alastis8.50 (81 votes)
6)Eluveitie8.27 (21 votes)
7)Messiah8.23 (196 votes)
8)Coroner8.13 (226 votes)
9)Chiva8.01 (12 votes)
Most viewed band pages
1)Sadness(1366 views)
2)Lacrimosa(897 views)
3)Samael(793 views)
4)Borgne(682 views)
5)Alastis(627 views)
6)Darkspace(593 views)
7)Cân Bardd(543 views)
8)Messiah(368 views)
9)Coroner(309 views)
10)Eluveitie(191 views)
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Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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