Yearlist 1996:

Eighties //Nineties //909192939495[1996]979899 //Nihils //00010203040506070809 //TwentyTens //10111213141516171819 //Twenties //2021222324 //All_Time
Edge Of Sanity - Crimson
Score: 10/10
Of course it's a cool idea, to have one song that lasts for over 40 minutes, but you'd probably get a number of songs glued together, or one looong boooring song. But then Mighty Dan Swanö came along and made such a song with Edge of Sanity, and it fucking rules! It's not a glued collection of songs, and it's not boring. Just 40 minutes long Edge of Sanity at their best. I've heard enough people who disagree, but I like this very much!
Anathema - Eternity
Score: 10/10
Finally, the new CD of Anathema. They have gone through quite some change since "The Silent Enigma". The most obvious one is that Vinny doesn't use his grunts / screams anymore, just his normal singing voice. The rest of the music has gotten a bit more relaxed too. Sometimes it even sounds a lot like Pink Floyd. But the music still has the atmosphere of Anathema, and after I listened to this cd a couple of times I found it's really quite good.
Cradle Of Filth - Dusk and Her Embrace
Score: 10/10
This is one of the best black metal cds I ever heard! A lot of people I know don't like it as much as their other cds, saying that's it's softer, more commercial, blah blah. But I think it's brilliant. It's still fast black with keyboard & female vox, though a little less fast than their earlier work I admit. But the songs are better, the production is better, even the artwork is great. The worst thing about this cd I think is that there are 4 different versions of it, so you must spend a lot of money to get all the songs. Guess that's part of their marketing strategy... But despite the 'commercialness', this is a great Black Metal cd!
The Blood Divine - Awaken
Score: 10/10
I don't think you should listen to my opinion about this cd, cause I'm a bit prejudiced... (Darren is God!!!) but I must say I think it's totally brilliant. Of course Darren used to be the singer of Anathema, and so this band also sounds a lot like Anathema. There are also some old members of Cradle of Filth in it, but those influences are less obvious I think. So if you like Anathema, you'll probably like this too. Britain (and Peaceville) now has another great doom band with The Blood Divine.
Dol Guldur

Score: 10/10
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst
Score: 10/10
This has got to be one of the best black metal releases ever. Dimmu Borgir play a real varied kind of melodic black. Some songs slow and orchestral, some fast and uncompromised. And Shagrath's grunt seems to change with every song. The first songs are real masterpieces, but at the end it gets a bit less varied and interesting, nevertheless the cd is a real black metal masterpiece.
Sear Bliss - Phantoms
Score: 10/10
Last few years there have been a lot of bands that started playing melodic black not because they're good at it, but because it sells. Luckily Sear Bliss isn't one of them. The kind of melodic black they play is very good, and very different. Most striking is the use of trumpets, which sounds weird first, but actually fits in really good. The songs start long and slow, but during the end Sear Bliss picks up speed and get it a more 'black' sound. Though because of the trumpet it stays very different. I think it's an excellent album, and especially the first slow songs are brilliant masterpieces...
Lingua Mortis (& Symphonic Orchestra Prague)
Score: 10/10
Katatonia - Brave Murder Day
Score: 10/10
Again Katatonia's music style is hard to define, though it has changed a lot since earlier releases. It's now some cool kind of mixture between Paradise Lost in the 'Gothic' days and Opeth. The reason it sometimes sounds a bit like Opeth of course is because the singer of Opeth sings on this album. Anyways, this is one of the best black doom albums I've heard lately
Score: 10/10
My Dying Bride - Like Gods of the Sun
Score: 10/10
The first time I heard this cd it was a big disappointment. My Dying Bride is one of my favourite bands, and this cd just wasn't of the quality I was used to. The songs are shorter and less individual. It's the first time I have trouble recognizing the different songs from the cd. But after I heard it some times I started to like it. The second half of the cd has some real great songs on it. Though it's not as good as their other work, it's still a good cd.
Moonspell - Irreligious
Score: 10/10
I think it's always difficult to judge a cd that is the followup to one of the greatest cds ever. Of course it's not as good as Wolfheart, but luckily Moonspell haven't tried to make this cd sound just the same. The sound moved even further away from the black metal, and now is a very clear sounding kind of metal, which maybe reminds me a bit of Type O Negative. There are hardly any grunts here, the songs are shorter, and even some drumcomputers are used. Still the Moonspell atmosphere is in it, and with this they made a great follow up to Wolfheart.
Covenant - In Times Before the Light
Score: 10/10
Because of the popularity of Melodic Black Metal bands, it's hard for a new band in this genre to really stand out. But after listening to this album once, it was already clear that Covenant have no trouble at all achieving this. This two-man band plays very mature, very melodic black in the vein of Dimmy Borgir, Emperor etc, but already with a very own sound. This debut cd places them directly in the top of the black metal scene I think.
Limbonic Art - Moon in the Scorpio
Score: 10/10
Hmmmm... what's not to like about Limbonic Art. It's very fast yet very melodic, songs that don't bore yet go on forever, I think this is how black metal was meant to be. And that it's all done by just two guys is even greater. Some people might have to get used to the drum computer, but even this is done so great that's not irritating at all...
Opeth - Morningrise
Score: 10/10
What can I say about the legendary Opeth. It's one of the best doom / black mixes I've ever heard. Songs that go on and on, but never get boring, because of the the variation in them. Sometimes very easy and relaxed, sometimes fast and loud. The only negative thing that can be said about this cd is that the songs don't really have a clear structure, it's more like a lot of riffs put behind each other. But it's very nice to listen at.
Theatre Of Tragedy - Velvet Darkness They Fear
Score: 10/10
I think "Velvet Darkness They Fear" is probably one of the best doom metal with female vox albums there is. Liv Kristine sings great again, the music is varied enough to stay interesting, and the lyrics brilliantly incomprehensible. Just a shame that the woman on the cover isn't in the band... ;-)

Score: 10/10
Orphanage - By Time Alone
Score: 10/10
This next album of Orphanage is a bit better than the first. It's a bit more original, and the best change I think is the addition of the screaming vocals parts, which give it a bit more death metal sound. But the keyboards are also better on this album. Only the songs still get a bit boring after a while, and the choirs are a bit over the top. So, still a cool dutch doom cd
...En Their Medh Riki Fara...

Score: 10/10
Cradle Of Filth
Vempire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein

Score: 10/10
21Decoryah - Fall-Dark Waters
Score: 10/10
Hmmmm... this is very relaxed. I think what Decoryah plays lies somewhere on the edge of metal and rock. It's very atmospheric, very beautiful. No grunts, just clean vocals both male and female, and lots of different instruments. Nice to listen to while taking a break from the black metal... huhuhuhuhu...
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta 1: Fathers of the Icy Age
Score: 10/10
This album is a bit better than "Ultimate Thulée" I think. It is still the same kind of melodic and very atmospheric black metal, but the songs just sound a bit better now. A bit more mature now. The production is still great and the vocals are more varied. And this time the cd itself looks better too. A cool front cover and full lyrics, yet still very little info on Vindsval. Mysterious type I guess. Anyways, a great cd by the best black metal band of France (I think!)
23Dismal Euphony - Soria Moria Slott
Score: 10/10
Dismal Euphony is a very cool band that play Melodic Black metal. Though this is probably as melodic as melodic black metal can get. There are guitars, but the keyboards are almost always louder. Also the female singer sings as much as the male grunt. So I actually think this is a nice relaxing black metal album. Which everyone should get off course...
Christ Agony
Moonlight - Act III

Score: 10/10
25Ancient - The Cainian Chronicle
Score: 10/10
Quite a lot has changed since their last CD. Grimm left the band, and three new members have been added. All this makes The Canian Chronicle sound quite different than Svartalvheim. It has a much better production, which surely has something to do with Dan Swanö (Edge of Sanity) producing it... The songs sound real cool again, and the addition of female vocals makes this another great album. The song "Lilith's Embrace" also has a video which shows Ancient's interest in Vampires. Still I think Svartalvheim was a bit better. The last few songs of this album sound a bit alike, and I think the vague production somehow fitted the black metal better. Still, it's a great cd.
Nembrionic / Osdorp Posse
Briljant, Hard en Geslepen (& Osdorp Posse)
Score: 10/10
27Forgotten Woods
The Curse of Mankind
Score: 10/10
Total Death

Score: 10/10

Score: 10/10
Oracle Morte
Score: 9.5/10
Ad Interitum Funebrarum

Score: 9.5/10
The Nefilim
Score: 9.5/10
Score: 9.5/10
Eterne - Deadauthor
Score: 9.5/10
The music on Deadauthor is kind of hard to describe. It lies somewhere in the doom sector I think, with keyboards and a drumcomputer. Vocals are clean, and guitars are kind of basic. Guess it's a sort of industrial doom or something. Anyways, it sounds very nice. It's varied enough and with the unique sound it doesn't get boring.
Star-Fire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule
Score: 9.5/10
Arte Novecento

Score: 9.5/10
37Traumatic Voyage
Score: 9.5/10
In The Woods...
A Return to the Isle of Men

Score: 9.5/10
Score: 9.5/10
Score: 9.5/10
Score: 9.5/10
Sea of Dreams
Score: 9.5/10
43Golden Dawn
The Art of Dreaming
Score: 9.5/10
From Which of This Oak (demo)

Score: 9.5/10
45Crematory - Live... at the Out of the Dark Festivals
Score: 9.5/10
Usually I don't like live cds, but this one is okay. The sound quality is very good, and most of the cool Crematory songs are on it. Though it is obvious from this collection that the newer songs are not as good as the old ones. There are also two studio tracks on it, but they aren't that special either.
Thy Worshiper
Popiół (Introibo ad Altare Dei)
Score: 9.5/10
47Sacred Sin
Eye M God

Score: 9.5/10
Empyrium - A Wintersunset
Score: 9.5/10
This cd is a very nice digipack with very nice music on it. Empyrium play a kind of doom metal combined with death and gothic parts, sounding mostly like Moonspell on "Wolfheart" with more keyboards and less guitar. I think it sounds very good, but near the end of the cd it starts to get a bit boring. The two members of Empyrium still look very young on the bandphoto, so maybe they just need to get a bit more experienced and then they'll be up there with the big bands.
49Amorphis - Elegy
Score: 9.5/10
After the first cds, it was a bit to be expected that the influence of the folk music would be bigger. But I didn't expect it to be this much. The guitars aren't very distorted anymore, the vocals hardly have any grunts, and the folk sometimes makes the music so happy that it makes my toes curl with irritation. For people who don't like the depressive doom that much, this is an excellent album I guess. And it is good, just a bit too damn happy.
Score: 9/10
51Lux Occulta
Forever Alone Immortal
Score: 9/10
Memoriam Draconis
Score: 9/10
Score: 9/10
Estatic Fear
Somnium Obmutum
Score: 9/10
Score: 9/10
Ancient Rites
Blasfemia Eternal
Score: 9/10
57Carpe Tenebrum
Majestic Nothingness
Score: 9/10
Dark Waters Stir
Score: 9/10
Flowers of Our Black Misanthropy
Score: 9/10
Aspera Hiems Symfonia
Score: 9/10
61Mythological Cold Towers
Sphere of Nebaddon - The Dawn of a Dying Tyffereth
Score: 8.5/10
Thy Serpent
Forests of Witchery
Score: 8.5/10
63Darkwoods My Betrothed
Autumn Roars Thunder
Score: 8.5/10
Cryptal Darkness
Endless Tears
Score: 8.5/10
Score: 8.5/10
Moonspell - Opium
Score: 8.5/10
I guess this is Moonspell's attempt at commercial succes, releasing a single from their latest album Irreligious. Also the radio edit that starts this minicd is a version of the song without the growls. It's still a great song but it does sound a bit boring without the growls, kind of makes it lose it's sharp edge. The song on this cd are still great but other than the soft version of Opium there's nothing on here that isn't also on the Irreligious album so you'd better buy the full album instead.
67Type O Negative
October Rust

Score: 8.5/10
Score: 8.5/10
Infinity... A Timeless Journey Through an Emotional Dream

Score: 8.5/10
Score: 8.5/10
71Ancient Wisdom
For Snow Covered The Northland

Score: 8.5/10
Cryptal Darkness
Descend Into Thy Grave
Score: 8.5/10
73Perpetual Demise
Score: 8/10
In The Mist I Saw (demo)
Score: 8/10
75Eternal Mourning
Silent Commotions of the Soul in A Minor (demo)
Score: 8/10
Sorgh på Svarte Vingar Fløgh
Score: 8/10
For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike
Score: 8/10
The 3rd And The Mortal
Painting on Glass
Score: 8/10
Score: 8/10
Score: 8/10
Dark Age of Reason
Score: 8/10
This Empty Flow
Magenta Skycode
Score: 8/10
Plays Metallica by Four Cellos
Score: 8/10
Score: 8/10
...In Bleakness (demo)
Score: 8/10
Silent Seas
Score: 8/10
87Diabolos Rising
The Very Best of Pain (as Raism)
Score: 8/10
Natteskyggen (demo)
Score: 8/10
Bitter Tears
Score: 7.5/10
A Descent into Medieval Darkness (demo)
Score: 7.5/10
Siódma Pieczęć (demo)
Score: 7.5/10
Dark Sorcery

Score: 7.5/10
Blood on the Sky, Blue of my Sword (demo)
Score: 7.5/10
Score: 7.5/10
Yeah! Yeah! Die! Die! - Death Metal Symphony in Deep C
Score: 7.5/10
Type O Negative
Love You to Death
Score: 7.5/10
Die Ewigen Steine
Score: 7.5/10
Old Man's Child
Born of the Flickering

Score: 7.5/10
Nemesis Divina

Score: 7.5/10
Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy
Score: 7.5/10

Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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