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Forgotten Legends (2003)
Forgotten Legends 1. False Dawn 15:57
2. Forests in Fire and Gold 8:55
3. Eternal Turn of the Wheel 11:44
4. Smell of Rain 2:46
total time39:22

HD cover
6 Versions

9.3 / 10 (30 votes)

#4 in User vote top 10 from Ukraine!

1 review

9.3 / 10 (30 votes)

#4 in User vote top 10 from Ukraine!

1 review

Autumn Aurora (2004)
Autumn Aurora 1. Fading 1:30
2. Summoning the rain 5:41
3. Glare of autumn 5:09
4. Sunwheel 8:47
5. Wind of the night forests 9:58
6. The first snow 9:10
total time40:15

HD cover
6 Versions

9.5 / 10 (28 votes)

#8 in User vote top 10 from 2004!

4 reviews

9.5 / 10 (28 votes)

#8 in User vote top 10 from 2004!

4 reviews

Lebedinij Shljah (The Swan Road) (2005)
Lebedinij Shljah (The Swan Road) 1. Eternal sun 9:15
2. Blood 8:49
3. Glare of 1768 5:51
4. The price of freedom 8:02
5. Fate 6:33
6. Song of sich destruction 4:19
total time42:49

HD cover

8.5 / 10 (19 votes)

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8.5 / 10 (19 votes)

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Krov u Nashih Krinicjah (Blood in our Wells) (2006)
Krov u Nashih Krinicjah (Blood in our Wells) 1. Nav' 2:25
2. Furrows of gods 8:57
3. When the flame turns to ashes 10:37
4. Solitude 12:24
5. Eternity 10:38
6. Ukrainian insurgent army 5:02
total time50:03

HD cover

9.3 / 10 (30 votes)

#7 in User vote top 10 from 2006!

5 reviews

9.3 / 10 (30 votes)

#7 in User vote top 10 from 2006!

5 reviews

Pisni Skorboti i Samitnosti (Songs of Grief and Solitude) (2006)
Pisni Skorboti i Samitnosti (Songs of Grief and Solitude) 1. Sunset In Carpathians 2:47
2. Tears Of Gods 8:34
3. Archaic Dance 3:28
4. The Milky Way 9:52
5. Why The Sun Becomes Sad 5:45
6. The Cranes Will Never Return Here 3:26
7. Grey-Haired Steppe 2:08
total time36:00

HD cover

7.8 / 10 (17 votes)

#3 in the Non-Metal top 10 from Ukraine!

1 review

7.8 / 10 (17 votes)

#3 in the Non-Metal top 10 from Ukraine!

1 review

Wooden Box (2007)
Wooden Box 1. Forgotten Legends picture lp 39:22
2. Autumn Aurora picture lp 40:15
3. The Swan Road picture lp 42:49
4. Blood In Our Wells picture lp 50:03
total time2:52:29

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Anti-Urban (2007)
Anti-Urban 1. Falling into oblivion 6:54
2. Ashes 6:22
total time13:16

HD cover
2 Versions

8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Vidchuzhenist' (Estrangement) (2007)
Vidchuzhenist' (Estrangement) 1. Solitary endless path 10:55
2. Skies at our feet 10:43
3. Where horizons end 10:52
4. Only the wind remembers my name 3:59
total time36:29

HD cover
4 Versions

8.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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8.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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Microcosmos (2009)
Microcosmos 1. Days That Passed 1:06
2. Distant Cries Of Cranes 9:37
3. Decadence 10:32
4. Ars Poetica 9:47
5. Everything Unsaid Before 9:33
6. Widow's Grief 1:07
total time41:42

HD cover
3 Versions

8.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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8.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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Slavonic Chronicles (2010)
Slavonic Chronicles 1. Indiánská Píseň Hrůzy 5:17Master's Hammer cover
2. Tam Gdzie Gasnie Dzien 10:48Sacrilegium cover
total time16:05

HD cover

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Handful Of Stars (2010)
Handful Of Stars 1. Cold Landscapes 1:14
2. Downfall Of The Epoch 12:10
3. Towards The Light 9:18
4. Twilight Aureole 8:59
5. The Day Will Come 9:06
6. Listening To The Silence 1:04
total time41:51

HD cover

6.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Vichnij Obert Kolesa (Eternal Turn of the Wheel) (2012)
Vichnij Obert Kolesa (Eternal Turn of the Wheel) 1. Eternal Circle 1:15
2. Breath of Cold Black Soil 9:45
3. When Gods Leave Their Emerald Halls 9:21
4. Farewell to Autumn's Sorrowful Birds 7:48
5. Night Woven of Snow, Winds and Grey-Haired Stars 7:59
total time36:08

HD cover
2 Versions

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Split with Winterfylleth (2014)
Split with Winterfylleth 1. ...w krainie drzew (Hefeystos cover) 5:45Drudkh - Thousands of Moons Ago
2. Ten, který se vyhýbá svetlu (Unclean cover) 5:13
3. Recidivus (Sacrilegium cover) 4:58
4. The Gates (Hate Forest cover) 9:16Winterfylleth - The Gates
total time25:12

HD cover

6.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Eastern Frontier in Flames (2014)
Eastern Frontier in Flames 1. Fallen into Oblivion 7:00Anti-Urban ep
2. Ashes 6:25
3. Tam gdzie gasnie dzien... (Sacrilegium cover) 10:24Slavonic Chronicles ep
4. Indiánská písen hruzy (Master's Hammer cover) 5:34
5. ...w krainie drzew (Hefeystos cover) 5:45From split with Winterfylleth
6. Ten, který se vyhýbá svetlu (Unclean cover) 5:13
7. Recidivus (Sacrilegium cover) 4:58
total time45:19

HD cover

7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#6 in the Compilation top 10 from Ukraine!

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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#6 in the Compilation top 10 from Ukraine!

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Borozna Obirvalasja (A Furrow Cut Short) (2015)
Borozna Obirvalasja (A Furrow Cut Short) 1. Prokljati sini I 9:20(Cursed Sons I)
2. Prokljati sini II 7:05(Cursed Sons II)
3. Eposi neskorenih poetiv 9:00(To the Epoch of Unbowed Poets)
4. Tlijuchij popil 6:27(Embers)
5. Bezchestja I 9:11(Dishonour I)
6. Bezchestja II 9:22(Dishonour II)
7. Poki ne zasipljut' chuzhoju zemleju och? 8:24(Till Foreign Ground Shall Cover Eyes)
total time58:49

HD cover

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Split with Hades Almighty (2016)
Split with Hades Almighty 1. Golden Horse 8:49Drudkh - Toj, hto govorit' z imloju (One Who Talks with the Fog)
2. Fiery Serpent 8:46
3. Pyre Era, Black! 4:17Hades Almighty - Pyre Era, Black!
4. Funeral Storm 6:37
5. Bound 8:53
total time37:22

HD cover

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#6 in the Compilation top 10 from 2016!

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#6 in the Compilation top 10 from 2016!

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Split with Grift (2016)
Split with Grift 1. Jogo dvadcjat' chetverta vesna 9:00Drudkh - Zradzheni soncem
2. Osin' v sepii 8:26
3. Källan 9:10Grift - Hägringar
4. Cirkeln 9:03
total time35:39

HD cover

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#3 in User vote top 10 from 2016!
#2 in the Non-Metal top 10 from 2016!

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#3 in User vote top 10 from 2016!
#2 in the Non-Metal top 10 from 2016!

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Split with Paysage d'Hiver (2017)
Split with Paysage d'Hiver 1. All Shades of Silence 12:53Drudkh - Somewhere Sadness Wanders
2. The Night Walks Towards Her Throne 8:08
3. Schnee IV 19:51Paysage d'Hiver - Schnee (IV)
total time40:52

HD cover

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#5 in Zenial's top 10 from 2017!

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#5 in Zenial's top 10 from 2017!

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Im chasto snit'sja kapizh (They Often See Dreams About the Spring) (2018)
Im chasto snit'sja kapizh (They Often See Dreams About the Spring) 1. Nakrita neba burim dahom... 9:52
2. U dahiv irzhavim kolossju... 8:43
3. Vechirnij smerk okutue kimnati... 9:28
4. Za zoreju shho striloju sjae 6:45
5. Biljavij den' vtomivsja i pritih... 8:39
total time43:27

HD cover

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Kil'ka Rjadkiv Arhaichnoju Ukrains'koju (A Few Lines in Archaic Ukrainian) (2019)
Kil'ka Rjadkiv Arhaichnoju Ukrains'koju (A Few Lines in Archaic Ukrainian) 1. Zolotij kin' (Golden Horse) 8:49from Split with Hades Almighty
2. Vognjanij zmij (Fiery Serpent) 8:46
3. Jogo dvadcjat' chetverta vesna (His Twenty-Fourth Spring) 9:00from Split with Grift
4. Osin' v sepii (Autumn in Sepia) 8:26
5. Vsi vidtinki tishi (All Shades of Silence) 12:53from Split with Paysage d'Hiver
6. Nich krokue do svogo tronu (The Night Walks Towards Her Throne) 8:10
total time56:04

HD cover

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#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2019!

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#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2019!

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Nichnyy (The Nocturnal One) (2022)
Nichnyy (The Nocturnal One) 1. Nichnyy - The Nocturnal One 10:21

HD cover

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Vsi Nalezhat' Nochi (All Belong to the Night) (2022)
Vsi Nalezhat' Nochi (All Belong to the Night) 1. Nichnij 10:24(The Nocturnal One)
2. Mlini 10:31(Windmills)
3. Listopad 8:32(November)
4. Poki zniknem u mli 15:33(Till We Become the Haze)
total time45:00

HD cover

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#1 in Zenial's top 10 from 2022!

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#1 in Zenial's top 10 from 2022!

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Erde Kinder VOL III
Erde Kinder VOL III
One And All, Together, For Home
One And All, Together, For Home
Season Of Mist 2023 Compilation (digital)
Season Of Mist 2023 Compilation (digital)
Metallian Sampler N°41
Metallian Sampler N°41
Metallian Sampler - Metal Trax
Metallian Sampler - Metal Trax

Fear Candy 51
Fear Candy 51
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> From the Ukraine
> Members are:
Roman Saenko - guitars, bass (since 2002) - also in Precambrian, Rattenfänger, and Windswept, was in Blood of Kingu, Dark Ages, Hate Forest, Old Silver Key, and Pragmatik
Thurios - vocals, keyboards (since 2002) - also in Rattenfänger, was in Astrofaes, Blood of Kingu, Hate Forest, Old Silver Key, and Kladovest
Krechet - bass, keyboards (since 2006) - also in Deliberate Chaos, Precambrian, Rattenfänger, and Windswept, was in Blood of Kingu, Old Silver Key, Pragmatik, and Astrofaes
Vlad - drums, keyboards (since 2006) - also in Deliberate Chaos, Precambrian, Rattenfänger, and Windswept, was in Blood of Kingu, Dark Ages, Old Silver Key, and Pragmatik
> Previous members:
Amorth - drums, keyboards (2004-2006) - now in Soom, Underdark, Zavod', and Chista Krinicja, was in Astrofaes, Byl zamechen..., Bleeding, Thunderkraft, Ungern, Svjatogor, Amadeus, and Hresvelgar
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Last update: 06/11/24