
[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
[ Best live albums ] [ Best non-metal albums ] [ Best demos ] [ Best EPs ] [ Zenial's band list ] [ User vote band list ] [ Most viewed band pages ]
Zenial's album list
1)Zgard - Sozercanie - Contemplation (2014)
2)Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns (1997)
3)Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice of Steel (2009)
4)Nokturnal Mortum - Kolovorot (2011)
5)Zgard - Astral Glow (2013)
6)Drudkh - Vsi Nalezhat' Nochi (All Belong to the Night) (2022)
7)Drudkh / Paysage d'Hiver - Split (2017)
8)Nokturnal Mortum - Istina (2017)
9)Zgard - Reclusion (2012)
10)Hetman - Zshita z popelu kniga (2017)
11)Drudkh / Hades Almighty - Split (2016)
12)Drudkh - Borozna Obirvalasja (A Furrow Cut Short) (2015)
13)Autumnia - In Loneliness Of Two Souls (2004)
14)Kroda - Heil Ragnarok - Live Under Hexenhammer (2012)
15)Te Deum - Tleushii Mir (2002)
16)Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung (2005)
17)Nokturnal Mortum - To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire (1997)
18)Kroda - Kälte Aurora - Live in Lemberg II (digital) (2016)
19)Paganland / Tini Zabutih Predkiv - Split (2008)
20)Drudkh - Krov u Nashih Krinicjah (Blood in our Wells) (2006)
User vote album list
1)Drudkh - Autumn Aurora (2004) 9.16 (28 votes)
2)Nokturnal Mortum - Eleven Years Among The Sheep (2004) 9.16 (8 votes)
3)Drudkh - Krov u Nashih Krinicjah (Blood in our Wells) (2006) 9.10 (30 votes)
4)Drudkh - Forgotten Legends (2003) 9.10 (30 votes)
5)Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns (1997) 9.05 (115 votes)
6)Nokturnal Mortum - Twilightfall (demo) (1994) 9.02 (14 votes)
7)Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry (demo) (1995) 8.93 (66 votes)
8)Nokturnal Mortum - Marble Moon (demo) (1997) 8.90 (14 votes)
9)Nokturnal Mortum - The Taste Of Victory (2003) 8.89 (39 votes)
10)Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice of Steel (2009) 8.87 (6 votes)
11)Nokturnal Mortum - To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire (1997) 8.76 (68 votes)
12)Nokturnal Mortum - Return Of The Vampire Lord (demo) (1996) 8.73 (14 votes)
13)Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung (2005) 8.71 (27 votes)
14)Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra - Midnight Fullmoon (demo) (1994) 8.66 (2 votes)
15)White Ward - Debemur Morti (2021) 8.63 (1 votes)
16)White Ward - Love Exchange Failure (2019) 8.63 (1 votes)
17)White Ward - Futility Report (2017) 8.63 (1 votes)
18)Nokturnal Mortum - Black Clouds over Slavonic Lands (demo) (1995) 8.63 (1 votes)
19)Nokturnal Mortum - Kolovorot (2011) 8.63 (1 votes)
20)Drudkh - Split with Grift (2016) 8.63 (1 votes)
21)Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra - The Key To The Gates Of Apocalypse (1999) 8.58 (7 votes)
22)Kroda - Schwarzpfad (2011) 8.54 (1 votes)
23)Kroda - Towards the Firmaments Verge of Life... (2005) 8.54 (1 votes)
24)Drudkh - Vichnij Obert Kolesa (Eternal Turn of the Wheel) (2012) 8.54 (1 votes)
25)Drudkh - Lebedinij Shljah (The Swan Road) (2005) 8.50 (19 votes)
(scores calculated using a true Bayesian estimate)

Most user votes
1)Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns (1997) 9.1 (115 votes)
2)Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist (1999) 8.3 (88 votes)
3)Nokturnal Mortum - To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire (1997) 8.8 (68 votes)
4)Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry (demo) (1995) 9.0 (66 votes)
5)Nokturnal Mortum - The Taste Of Victory (2003) 9.0 (39 votes)
6)Drudkh - Krov u Nashih Krinicjah (Blood in our Wells) (2006) 9.3 (30 votes)
7)Drudkh - Forgotten Legends (2003) 9.3 (30 votes)
8)Drudkh - Autumn Aurora (2004) 9.4 (28 votes)
9)Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung (2005) 8.8 (27 votes)
10)Drudkh - Lebedinij Shljah (The Swan Road) (2005) 8.5 (19 votes)

Lowest user votes
1)Drudkh - Pisni Skorboti i Samitnosti (Songs of Grief and Solitude) (2006) 7.99 (17 votes)
2)Autumnia - By the Candles Obsequial (2006) 8.18 (1 votes)
3)Drudkh - Split with Winterfylleth (2014) 8.27 (1 votes)
4)Drudkh - Handful Of Stars (2010) 8.27 (1 votes)
5)Autumnia - In Loneliness Of Two Souls (2004) 8.27 (1 votes)
6)Autumnia - O'Funeralia (2009) 8.29 (3 votes)
7)Nokturnal Mortum - Return of the Vampire Lord / Marble Moon (2003) 8.31 (17 votes)
8)Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist (1999) 8.32 (88 votes)
9)Drudkh - Eastern Frontier in Flames (2014) 8.36 (1 votes)
10)Drudkh - Microcosmos (2009) 8.41 (4 votes)

Most viewed covers
1)Drudkh / Hades Almighty - Split(1174 views)
2)Drudkh / Winterfylleth - Split(1160 views)
3)Drudkh - Forgotten Legends(1090 views)
4)Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns(1060 views)
5)Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry (demo)(1053 views)
6)Nokturnal Mortum - The Taste Of Victory(1040 views)
7)Gjallarhorn / Hetman - Ivan Pidkova(1034 views)
8)Nokturnal Mortum - To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire(1016 views)
9)Drudkh - Autumn Aurora(1000 views)
10)Drudkh - Vidchuzhenist' (Estrangement)(960 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Drudkh / Hades Almighty - Split(749 views)
2)Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist(516 views)
3)Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice of Steel(512 views)
4)White Ward - Illusions(415 views)
5)Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung(413 views)
6)White Ward - Riptide (digital)(406 views)
7)Drudkh - Krov u Nashih Krinicjah (Blood in our Wells)(397 views)
8)White Ward - Walls MMXV (digital)(393 views)
9)White Ward - Love Exchange Failure(392 views)
10)Hetman - Stiskajuchi Zubi(390 views)

Best compilation albums
1)Drudkh - Kil'ka Rjadkiv Arhaichnoju Ukrains'koju (A Few Lines in Archaic Ukrainian) (2019)
2)Nokturnal Mortum - Eleven Years Among The Sheep (2004)
3)White Ward - Origins (2016)
4)Kroda - The Legend and the Hammer (2023)
5)Endless Battle - From the Thicket of Times... Gathering of Shadows (2017)
6)Drudkh - Eastern Frontier in Flames (2014)
7)Nokturnal Mortum - Return of the Vampire Lord / Marble Moon (2003)
8)Gromm - Cold Old Thorns (2006)
Best live albums
1)Nokturnal Mortum - Kolovorot (2011)
2)Kroda - Heil Ragnarok - Live Under Hexenhammer (2012)
3)Kroda - Kälte Aurora - Live in Lemberg II (digital) (2016)
4)Paganland - XX Years of Paganland (2018)
5)Nokturnal Mortum - Oberih - Live At Ragnard Reborn Fest (2024)
6)Kroda - Live in Lemberg (2008)
7)Nokturnal Mortum - Live in Katowice (2009)
8)1914 - Flammenwerfer vor! (digital)
Best non-metal
1)Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra - Insatiable Moon (demo) (2000)
2)Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra - Midnight Fullmoon (demo) (1994)
3)Drudkh - Pisni Skorboti i Samitnosti (Songs of Grief and Solitude) (2006)
Best demos
1)Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry (demo) (1995)
2)Nokturnal Mortum - Twilightfall (demo) (1994)
3)Lucifugum / Nokturnal Mortum - Split (1997)
4)Te Deum - Remembrance (demo) (1996)
5)Gjallarhorn - Ancient Times (demo) (2005)
6)Nokturnal Mortum - Return Of The Vampire Lord (demo) (1996)
7)Nokturnal Mortum - Black Clouds over Slavonic Lands (demo) (1995)
8)White Ward - I (demo) (2012)
9)Nokturnal Mortum - Marble Moon (demo) (1997)
10)Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra - Insatiable Moon (demo) (2000)
Best EPs
1)Hermóðr / Moloch - Split (2016)
2)Gromm - Black:Art:Morbid:Grandeur (ep) (2013)
Zenial's band list
3)White Ward
5)Labyrinthus Stellarum
6)Te Deum
User vote band list
1)Nokturnal Mortum8.88 (484 votes)
2)Drudkh8.83 (136 votes)
3)White Ward8.66 (3 votes)
4)Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra8.60 (9 votes)
5)Kroda8.53 (2 votes)
6)Autumnia8.21 (5 votes)
Most viewed band pages
1)Nokturnal Mortum(881 views)
2)Drudkh(799 views)
3)Kroda(681 views)
4)White Ward(483 views)
5)Quintessence Mystica(463 views)
6)Te Deum(350 views)
7)Zgard(236 views)
8)Paganland(161 views)
9)Autumnia(158 views)
10)Hetman(142 views)
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Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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