Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra

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Midnight Fullmoon (demo) (1994)
Midnight Fullmoon (demo) 1. Awakening Of The Secrets Of The Dreaming Woods 10:57
2. Raining Darkness Of The Forestland Midnight 5:25
3. Dracul - The Triumph Of The Blooded Moon 4:37
4. By The Wisdom Roots Of A Sorsery 6:28
5. Algol's Black Lights 6:34
6. The Last Rays Of A Dying Sun 1:24
7. The Majestic Flight Above The Burning Churches Of The Ancient Oriana Land 8:11
total time43:36

9.5 / 10 (2 votes)

#2 in the Non-Metal top 10 from Ukraine!

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9.5 / 10 (2 votes)

#2 in the Non-Metal top 10 from Ukraine!

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Paganism (demo) (1996)
1. Hunger of the Moon 16:41
2. The Sunbirthday 2:57
3. Into the Abyss of Witches 1:28
4. The Ancient Forest Under Frozen Moon 4:47

Wolf's Eye (demo) (1996)
1. Dewillomened 6:13
2. The Rain 2:20
3. Serenity 2:40
4. Dance Into The Mist 3:28
5. The Stardust 1:46
6. Fullmoon Over Transylvania 3:21

When (demo) (1997)
1. By the Wisdom Roots of a Sorsery
2. The Stardust
3. Untitled
4. Untitled

The Key To The Gates Of Apocalypse (1999)
The Key To The Gates Of Apocalypse 1. The Key To The Gates Of Apocalypse 72:03

8.7 / 10 (7 votes)

2 reviews

8.7 / 10 (7 votes)

2 reviews

Insatiable Moon (demo) (2000)
Insatiable Moon (demo) 1. Hunger of the Moon 16:41Paganism demo
2. The Sunbirthday 2:57
3. Into the Abyss of Witches 1:28
4. The Ancient Forest Under Frozen Moon 4:47
5. Dewillomened 6:13Wolf's Eye demo
6. The Rain 2:20
7. Serenity 2:40
8. Dance Into The Mist 3:28
9. The Stardust 1:46bonus
10. Fullmoon Over Transylvania 3:21
total time45:41

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#1 in the Non-Metal top 10 from Ukraine!

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#1 in the Non-Metal top 10 from Ukraine!

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Candles (digital) (2024)
Candles (digital) 1. Candles 4:35

HD cover

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White: Nightmares In The End
White: Nightmares In The End

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Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra

Last update: 06/11/24