
[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
[ Best live albums ] [ Best non-metal albums ] [ Best demos ] [ Best EPs ] [ Zenial's band list ] [ User vote band list ] [ Most viewed band pages ]
Zenial's album list
1)Moonsorrow - Verisäkeet (2005)
2)Amorphis - Tales from the Thousand Lakes (1994)
3)...And Oceans - The Dynamic Gallery of Thoughts (1998)
4)Rapture - Futile (2000)
5)Moonsorrow - Tulimyrsky EP (2008)
6)Shape Of Despair - Angels of Distress (2001)
7)Colosseum - Chapter 1: Delirium (2007)
8)Shape Of Despair - Shades of... (2000)
9)Moonsorrow - V: Hävitetty (2007)
10)My Shameful - ...Of Dust (2004)
11)Kalmankantaja - Waldeinsamkeit (2016)
12)Decoryah - Fall-Dark Waters (1996)
13)Swallow The Sun - New Moon (2009)
14)...And Oceans - Mare Liberum (demo) (1997)
15)Darkwoods My Betrothed - Witch-Hunts (1998)
16)Kalmankantaja - Ikuinen Taival (2014)
17)Wyrd - Heathen (2001)
18)Dark The Suns - Raven and the Nightsky (2023)
19)Impaled Nazarene - Suomi Finland Perkele (1994)
20)...And Oceans - Allotropic / Metamorphic - Genesis of Dimorphism (2001)
User vote album list
1)Moonsorrow - Verisäkeet (2005) 9.46 (69 votes)
2)Moonsorrow - Voimasta Ja Kunniasta (2001) 9.40 (99 votes)
3)Ensiferum - Ensiferum (2001) 9.33 (120 votes)
4)Ensiferum - Iron (2004) 9.29 (76 votes)
5)Moonsorrow - V: Hävitetty (2007) 9.28 (25 votes)
6)Finntroll - Jaktens Tid (2001) 9.26 (207 votes)
7)Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja (2003) 9.22 (101 votes)
8)Shape Of Despair - Illusion's Play (2004) 9.21 (39 votes)
9)Shape Of Despair - Shades of... (2000) 9.19 (63 votes)
10)Amorphis - Tales from the Thousand Lakes (1994) 9.17 (273 votes)
11)Impaled Nazarene - All That You Fear (2003) 9.15 (47 votes)
12)Moonsorrow - Suden Uni (2001) 9.12 (78 votes)
13)Throes Of Dawn - Binding of the Spirit (2000) 9.11 (22 votes)
14)Decoryah - Fall-Dark Waters (1996) 9.11 (22 votes)
15)Wyrd - Heathen (2001) 9.09 (29 votes)
16)Wyrd - Vargtimmen Pt. 2 (2004) 9.08 (27 votes)
17)Horna - Perimä Vihassa ja Verikostossa (1999) 9.08 (14 votes)
18)Wyrd - Of Revenge and Bloodstained Swords (demo) (2001) 9.06 (9 votes)
19)Shape Of Despair - Angels of Distress (2001) 9.04 (95 votes)
20)Swallow The Sun - The Morning Never Came (2003) 9.04 (34 votes)
21)Wyrd - Wrath & Revenge (2003) 9.04 (12 votes)
22)Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - A Virgin And A Whore (2001) 9.02 (70 votes)
23)Catamenia - Chaosborn (2003) 9.01 (62 votes)
24)Impaled Nazarene - Ugra-Karma (1994) 9.01 (58 votes)
25)Wyrd - Vargtimmen Pt. 1 (2003) 9.01 (28 votes)
(scores calculated using a true Bayesian estimate)

Most user votes
1)Amorphis - Tales from the Thousand Lakes (1994) 9.2 (273 votes)
2)Finntroll - Jaktens Tid (2001) 9.3 (207 votes)
3)Amorphis - Elegy (1996) 8.8 (167 votes)
4)Amorphis - Tuonela (1999) 7.9 (142 votes)
5)Finntroll - Midnattens Widunder (1999) 8.9 (137 votes)
6)Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus (1992) 8.3 (132 votes)
7)Ensiferum - Ensiferum (2001) 9.4 (120 votes)
8)Finntroll - Nattfödd (2004) 9.0 (117 votes)
9)Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja (2003) 9.3 (101 votes)
10)Moonsorrow - Voimasta Ja Kunniasta (2001) 9.5 (99 votes)

Lowest user votes
1)Behexen - My Soul For His Glory (2008) 6.90 (3 votes)
2)Amorphis - Far From The Sun (2003) 7.21 (61 votes)
3)Amorphis - Story - 10th Anniversary (2000) 7.31 (13 votes)
4)Unholy - Procession of Black Doom (demo) (1990) 7.33 (5 votes)
5)Thyrane - Hypnotic (2003) 7.45 (23 votes)
6)Apocalyptica - Plays Metallica by Four Cellos (1996) 7.45 (68 votes)
7)Apocalyptica - The Best Of Apocalyptica (2002) 7.48 (6 votes)
8)Amorphis - Day of Your Beliefs (2003) 7.55 (10 votes)
9)Clandestine Blaze - Church Of Atrocity (2006) 7.58 (2 votes)
10)Alghazanth - Behind the Frozen Forest (demo) (1996) 7.67 (7 votes)

Most viewed covers
1)Iku-Turso / Kalmankantaja - Ikuinen Tuli(1671 views)
2)...And Oceans / Bloodthorn - War vol. I (vs. Bloodthorn)(1627 views)
3)Dolorian / Shining - Split(1504 views)
4)Kalmankantaja / Wyrd - Split(1450 views)
5)Behexen / Horna - Split(1334 views)
6)Kalmankantaja - III(1284 views)
7)Kalmankantaja - Kuolonsäkeet(1231 views)
8)Kalmankantaja - Korpi(1209 views)
9)Kalmankantaja - Viimeinen virsi II: Sairaan sielun sanat(1197 views)
10)Clandestine Blaze / Deathspell Omega - Split(1192 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Dolorian / Shining - Split(815 views)
2)Azaghal / Mustan Kuun Lapset - Uusi Suomalainen Black Metal Tulokas(807 views)
3)Clandestine Blaze / Deathspell Omega - Split(794 views)
4)Behexen / Horna - Split(764 views)
5)Amorphis - Tales from the Thousand Lakes(587 views)
6)Kalmankantaja - Ruumiinvaellus (digital)(569 views)
7)Horna / Den Saakaldte - Split(565 views)
8)Impaled Nazarene - Rapture(560 views)
9)Kalmankantaja - Tyhjyys(535 views)
10)Amorphis - Silent Waters(507 views)

Best compilation albums
1)Kalmankantaja - Kuoleman Kehtolaulut 2014-2017 (2019)
2)Kalmankantaja - Varjosielu (2024)
3)...And Oceans - Morphogenesis (2001)
4)Avathar - Bûrgulu Kû-Ghâra (2019)
5)Hooded Menace - Gloom Immemorial (2014)
6)Kalmankantaja - MMXV (2021)
7)Vordven - History (2003)
8)Amorphis - Chapters (2003)
9)Mustan Kuun Lapset - Ei sävyjä pimeässä - The complete 90s collection (2021)
10)Amorphis - Story - 10th Anniversary (2000)
Best live albums
1)Korpiklaani - Live At Masters of Rock (2017)
2)Finntroll - Natten Med De Levande Finntroll (2014)
3)Swallow The Sun - 20 Years of Gloom, Beauty and Despair: Live in Helsinki (2021)
4)Amorphis - Queen Of Time - Live At Tavastia (2023)
5)Amorphis - Live at Helsinki Ice Hall (2021)
6)Barathrum - Long Live Satan (2009)
7)Grave Pleasures - Doomsday Roadburn
8)Iku-Turso - Ikuinen Steelfest MMXXII (2022)
9)Apocalyptica - Wagner Reloaded - Live In Leipzig (2013)
10)Korpiklaani - Wayfarers Live (2018)
Best non-metal
1)This Empty Flow - Nowafter (2000)
2)This Empty Flow - Three Empty Boys (1999)
3)Sinamore - Seven Sins a Second (2007)
4)This Empty Flow - Magenta Skycode (1996)
5)Wyrd - Rota (2005)
6)Sinamore - A New Day (2006)
7)This Empty Flow - Useless And Empty Songs (2000)
8)Grave Pleasures - Doomsday Roadburn
9)Tenhi - Maaäet
10)Grave Pleasures - Climax (as Beastmilk) (2013)
Best demos
1)...And Oceans - Mare Liberum (demo) (1997)
2)Moonsorrow - Tämä Ikuinen Talvi (demo) (1999)
3)Kalmankantaja - Demo IV (demo) (2017)
4)Avathar - Forlorn (demo) (2009)
5)Avathar - To the Halls of Await (demo) (2008)
6)Avathar - Where Wicked Winds Blow (demo) (2006)
7)Avathar - Beyond the Spheres of the Mortal World (demo) (2007)
8)Omnium Gatherum - Gardens, Temples... This Hell (demo) (1999)
9)Kalmankantaja - Elämä on kuoleva huora (demo) (2011)
10)Thyrane - Black Harmony (demo) (1998)
Best EPs
1)Horna / Tenebrae In Perpetuum - Split (2005)
2)Maléfices / Vampyric Blood - Emissaries of Ancient Witchcraft (ep) (2015)
3)Ash Pool / Thy Serpent - Split (2019)
4)Horna / Den Saakaldte - Split (2014)
5)Graveyard / Lie In Ruins - Split (2022)
6)Agalloch / Nest - Split (2004)
7)Hooded Menace - Necrotic Monuments (ep) (2012)
8)Wintermoon - Herää Henkiin Vanhat Juuret (ep) (2017)
9)Moonsorrow - Soulless / Non Serviam (ep) (2016)
10)Musta Surma - Kaiken Pyhän Raunioilla (ep) (2002)
Zenial's band list
10)Black Sun Aeon
User vote band list
1)Moonsorrow9.25 (438 votes)
2)Shape Of Despair9.21 (217 votes)
3)Decoryah9.08 (69 votes)
4)Ensiferum9.04 (273 votes)
5)Wyrd9.02 (168 votes)
6)Insomnium9.00 (63 votes)
7)Finntroll8.98 (647 votes)
8)Dolorian8.98 (57 votes)
9)Swallow The Sun8.97 (98 votes)
10)Legenda8.93 (40 votes)
Most viewed band pages
1)Kalmankantaja(1440 views)
2)Amorphis(1211 views)
3)Impaled Nazarene(998 views)
4)...And Oceans(976 views)
5)Horna(794 views)
6)Apocalyptica(791 views)
7)Darkwoods My Betrothed(788 views)
8)Catamenia(773 views)
9)Thy Serpent(763 views)
10)Sentenced(727 views)
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Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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