
[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
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Zenial's album list
1)Anlipnes - Split with Sadael
2)Raven Woods - Enfeebling The Throne (2011)
3)Anlipnes - Inanis Caelum
4)Dimness Through Infinity - Nymph (2004)
5)Raven Woods - In Silent Agony (2003)
6)Raven Woods - ...And Emotions are Spilled (2006)
7)Dimness Through Infinity - When The Soul Weeps Alone... (demo) (1999)
User vote album list
1)Raven Woods - ...And Emotions are Spilled (2006) 8.78 (4 votes)
2)Raven Woods - In Silent Agony (2003) 8.75 (2 votes)
3)Dimness Through Infinity - Dreadful Tales Of Feeble Breeze (demo) (1998) 8.50 (2 votes)
4)Dimness Through Infinity - When The Soul Weeps Alone... (demo) (1999) 8.45 (3 votes)
5)Dimness Through Infinity - Nymph (2004) 8.31 (6 votes)
(scores calculated using a true Bayesian estimate)

Most user votes
1)Dimness Through Infinity - Nymph (2004) 8.0 (6 votes)
2)Raven Woods - ...And Emotions are Spilled (2006) 9.5 (4 votes)
3)Dimness Through Infinity - When The Soul Weeps Alone... (demo) (1999) 8.3 (3 votes)
4)Raven Woods - In Silent Agony (2003) 10.0 (2 votes)
5)Dimness Through Infinity - Dreadful Tales Of Feeble Breeze (demo) (1998) 8.5 (2 votes)

Lowest user votes
1)Dimness Through Infinity - Nymph (2004) 8.31 (6 votes)
2)Dimness Through Infinity - When The Soul Weeps Alone... (demo) (1999) 8.45 (3 votes)
3)Dimness Through Infinity - Dreadful Tales Of Feeble Breeze (demo) (1998) 8.50 (2 votes)
4)Raven Woods - In Silent Agony (2003) 8.75 (2 votes)
5)Raven Woods - ...And Emotions are Spilled (2006) 8.78 (4 votes)

Most viewed covers
1)Raven Woods - Enfeebling The Throne(737 views)
2)Dimness Through Infinity - Nymph(730 views)
3)Raven Woods - ...And Emotions are Spilled(723 views)
4)Raven Woods - In Silent Agony(714 views)
5)Raven Woods - Enfeebling The Throne v2(649 views)
6)Dimness Through Infinity - When The Soul Weeps Alone... (demo)(635 views)
7)Dimness Through Infinity - Dreadful Tales Of Feeble Breeze (demo)(620 views)
8)Dimness Through Infinity - When The Soul Weeps Alone... (demo) v2(617 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Dimness Through Infinity - Nymph(323 views)
2)Raven Woods - Enfeebling The Throne(314 views)
3)Raven Woods - ...And Emotions are Spilled(308 views)
4)Raven Woods - In Silent Agony(277 views)

Best demos
1)Dimness Through Infinity - When The Soul Weeps Alone... (demo) (1999)
Zenial's band list
1)Raven Woods
3)Dimness Through Infinity
User vote band list
1)Raven Woods8.73 (6 votes)
2)Dimness Through Infinity8.40 (11 votes)
Most viewed band pages
1)Raven Woods(607 views)
2)Dimness Through Infinity(379 views)
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Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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